TSFW Abbreviation / Internet Slang / Acronym

Do you know what does TSFW mean? Now know the meaning of TSFW used in internet slang. We have over 10000 abbreviation used over the internet in facebook, whatsapp chatting and in sms texting.

Totally Safe For Work

Meaning of TSFW ?

Meaning of TSFW is Totally Safe For Work.

TSFW Definition

The defintion of TSFW is Totally Safe For Work. .

What does TSFW mean?

TSFW means Totally Safe For Work.

Comments having TSFW

If you follow this link, you will get no more work done for the rest of the week. It's TSFW I enjoyed this more than I probably should have … (TSFW) #MakingAMurderer DEADPOOL style - TSFW, unless you're that lame.: Hey folks, Harry here... DEADPOOL has been p... From The Mighty AICN 2 GIRLS 1 PUNCH - DEADPOOL style - TSFW, unless you're that lame. @ohmeags And when NSFW means topless women with their nipples covered but men's nipples are TSFW though. @lewdhaou It's TSFW, all she does is walk around and balance on 1 leg. @poojatx_ @faithamazing lmao it's actually TSFW. It's 80's nfl related It's heeeeree! This one is TSFW too! … A TSFW orange. Rayven Justice – Roll Somethin’ (feat. Surfa Solo) - The Bay Area crooner's TSFW video feature...

Terms relating to TSFW

.NET - Top level domain originally for network providers 3G - Third Generation mobile phone network ADMIN - Administrator on forum, network etc ARPANET - Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (early internet) AWNP - All Work, No Play B2W - Back To Work BEBO - A social networking site BMW - Bavarian Motor Works (car manufacturer) BSTS - Better Safe Than Sorry CCIE - Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert CCNA - Cisco Certified Network Associate CNN - Cable News Network DAW - Digital Audio Workstation DDOS - Distributed Denial of Service (network attack) DWTH - Don't Work Too Hard ESPN - Entertainment and Sports Programming Network GBTW - Get Back To Work GRULE - Hard work, nuisance GTW - Got To Work GW - Good Work HI5 - Social networking site HMWK - Homework HNOS - Home Network Operating System HOBO - Itinerant worker HW - Homework HWK - Homework ISDN - Integrated Services Digital Network ITA - I Totally Agree KUTGW - Keep Up The Good Work LAN - Local Area Network LFW - Looking For Work MNC - Mobile Network Code MOT - Ministry Of Transport test for car safety MSDN - Microsoft Developer Network MSN - Microsoft Network MYSPACE - A social networking site NAS - Network Attached Storage NBTW - Now Back To Work NIC - Network Interface Card NNTP - Network News Transfer Protocol NSFA - Not Safe For Anyone NSFL - Not Safe For Life NSFV - Not Safe for Viewing/Vegetarians/Vegans NSFW - Not Safe For Work NWS - Not Work Safe - for messages/sites containing adult content OATUS - On A Totally Unrelated Subject OGN - Online Gaming Network ORKUT - Google's social network P90X - Type of workout schedule PAN - Personal Area Network A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z