UG2BK Abbreviation / Internet Slang / Acronym

Do you know what does UG2BK mean? Now know the meaning of UG2BK used in internet slang. We have over 10000 abbreviation used over the internet in facebook, whatsapp chatting and in sms texting.

You've Got To Be Kidding You've Got To Be Kidding

Meaning of UG2BK ?

Meaning of UG2BK is You've Got To Be Kidding, You've Got To Be Kidding.

UG2BK Definition

The defintion of UG2BK is You've Got To Be Kidding, You've Got To Be Kidding. .

What does UG2BK mean?

UG2BK means You've Got To Be Kidding, You've Got To Be Kidding.

Comments having UG2BK

I asked my mom to send me my shop photo albums so I don't buy doubles and she found them and was like "UG2BK me." XD UAE endurance: Come on FEI, UG2BK me - A coin toss? UG2BK? #IowaCaucus … A coin flip... A bloody coin flip! UG2BK me. Why not a best 2 out 3 game of Rock/Paper/Scissors? #IowaCaucus #Rochambeau I fell asleep sitting upright in my chair while editing UG2BK me. They spend their time sitting around thinking of hashtags and gimmicks. UG2BK me. Coach, win, educate. • จริงปะ •It can't be trueAre you serious?Are you kidding?Are you for real?UG2BKYou must be kidding/joking .@SenSanders won't accept @MSNBC NH debate invite because it's not sanctioned by @DWStweets UG2BK. Some revolution. UG2BK. Sam is my dude.. Been in my math class the past 2 years helping me out. Cannot believe this I asked my mom to send me my shop photo albums so I don't buy doubles and she found them and was like "UG2BK me." XD I asked my mom to send me my shop photo albums so I don't buy doubles and she found them and was like "UG2BK me." XD UAE endurance: Come on FEI, UG2BK me - A coin toss? UG2BK? #IowaCaucus … A coin flip... A bloody coin flip! UG2BK me. Why not a best 2 out 3 game of Rock/Paper/Scissors? #IowaCaucus #Rochambeau I fell asleep sitting upright in my chair while editing UG2BK me. They spend their time sitting around thinking of hashtags and gimmicks. UG2BK me. Coach, win, educate. • จริงปะ •It can't be trueAre you serious?Are you kidding?Are you for real?UG2BKYou must be kidding/joking .@SenSanders won't accept @MSNBC NH debate invite because it's not sanctioned by @DWStweets UG2BK. Some revolution. UG2BK. Sam is my dude.. Been in my math class the past 2 years helping me out. Cannot believe this I asked my mom to send me my shop photo albums so I don't buy doubles and she found them and was like "UG2BK me." XD

Terms relating to UG2BK

AYKM - Are You Kidding Me? HHOK - Ha-Ha, Only Kidding IJK - I'm Just kidding JK - Just Kidding JKL - Just Kidding Loser JKL - Just Kidding, LOL NK - No Kidding NOSA - No Sir, just kidding OK - Only Kidding RUKM - Are You Kidding Me? UG2BK - You've Got To Be Kidding YBW - You've Been Warned YGM - You've Got Mail YGPM - You've Got Private Message YGTBK - You've Got To Be Kidding YGTBKM - You've Got To Be Kidding Me YK - You're Kidding AYKM - Are You Kidding Me? GTBK - Got To Be Kidding HHOK - Ha Ha Only Kidding JK - Just Kidding! J%2FK - Just Kidding (Joking) NK - No Kidding RUK - aRe yoU Kidding? RUKM - Are You Kidding Me? UG2BK - You've Got To Be Kidding YBT - You've Been Trolled YBW - You've Been Warned YGBK - You've Gotta Be Kidding YGM - You've Got Mail YGTBK - You've Got To Be Kidding YGTBKM - You've Got To Be Kidding Me AYFK - are you f**king kidding AYFKM - are you f**king kidding me FMTEYEWTK - Far More Than Everything You've Ever Wanted to Kno IWJK - i was just kidding IYGIFI - If You've Got It Flaunt It JKA - just kidding around JKLOL - Just Kidding Laughing Out Loud RUFKM - are you f**king kidding me UGBK - You Gotta Be Kidding UGTBK - You've Got To Be Kidding UVE - You've YBF - You've Been F**ked YGTBFKM - you've got to be f**king kidding me YGTBSM - You've got to be shitting me YMBKM - you must be kidding me A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z