UMBJ Abbreviation / Internet Slang / Acronym

Do you know what does UMBJ mean? Now know the meaning of UMBJ used in internet slang. We have over 10000 abbreviation used over the internet in facebook, whatsapp chatting and in sms texting.

You Must Be Joking

Meaning of UMBJ ?

Meaning of UMBJ is You Must Be Joking .

UMBJ Definition

The defintion of UMBJ is You Must Be Joking . .

What does UMBJ mean?

UMBJ means You Must Be Joking .

Terms relating to UMBJ

;O - Joking HHOJ - Ha-Ha, Only Joking IJ - I'm Joking J - Joking JJ - Just Joking JKN - Joking MBN - Must Be Nice MBO - Must Be Off NJ - Not Joking OJ - Only Joking ·PMYMHMMFSWGAD - Pardon Me, You Must Have Mistaken Me For Someone Who Gives A Damn STANG - Ford Mustang SWAMBO - She Who Always Must Be Obeyed SWMBO - She Who Must Be Obeyed UMBJ - You Must Be Joking YMBJ - You Must Be Joking BMW - Brains Must Wander HHOJ - Ha Ha, Only Joking IMS - I Must Say JJ. - Just Joking JJ - Just Joking JJA - Just Joking Around JK - Joking J%2FK - Just Kidding (Joking) MBN - Must Be Nice MGSN - Must Go Shopping Now MUS - Must MUSTA - Must Have OJ - Only Joking OJOJ - only joking, only joking... RUJ - aRe yoU Joking? YMBJ - You Must Be Joking YNJ - You're Not Joking A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z