URAPITA Abbreviation / Internet Slang / Acronym

Do you know what does URAPITA mean? Now know the meaning of URAPITA used in internet slang. We have over 10000 abbreviation used over the internet in facebook, whatsapp chatting and in sms texting.

You Are A Pain In The A**

Meaning of URAPITA ?

Meaning of URAPITA is You Are A Pain In The A**.

URAPITA Definition

The defintion of URAPITA is You Are A Pain In The A**. .

What does URAPITA mean?

URAPITA means You Are A Pain In The A**.

Comments having URAPITA

@TerryMatalas "URAPITA is every time period" LOVE..............I'm dying of laughter right now.

What does URAPITA stand for?

Terms relating to URAPITA

>.< - Frustrated, angry, upset, in pain MOPO - Master Of the Painfully Obvious OUCH - Interjection said when experiencing pain OXY - OxyContin (or oxycodone), painkiller PBN - Paintball Nation PKS - Painkillers OIS - Only In Spain P.S. - Painfully Sarcastic PIMA - Pain In My Ass PITA - Pain In The Arse PS - Painfully Sarcastic PTN - Pain To Noobiez RPITA - Royal Pain In The Ass WAP - What A Pain BYOP - Bring your own paint NPNG - No Pain No Gain PIMB - Pain in my butt URAPITA - You Are A Pain In The A** A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z