V.C. Abbreviation / Internet Slang / Acronym

Do you know what does V.C. mean? Now know the meaning of V.C. used in internet slang. We have over 10000 abbreviation used over the internet in facebook, whatsapp chatting and in sms texting.

Very Cool Very Clever Very Cute

Meaning of V.C. ?

Meaning of V.C. is Very Cool, Very Clever, Very Cute.

V.C. Definition

The defintion of V.C. is Very Cool, Very Clever, Very Cute. .

What does V.C. mean?

V.C. means Very Cool, Very Clever, Very Cute.

Comments having V.C.

This is V.C.. Really happy people are getting to know Murphy a little better.… V.C.: Birth control drones are revolutionizing reproductive health in Africa V.C. having my guys mosbowsmemphis @matt_barnes22 vincecarter at @Wwe #Smackdown tonight. @elv_graphis Wow thx you so much. V.C. art! V.C. article written by future Houston Cougar Collin Wilder …

Very V.C. … V.C. data visualization by @Brian_Coughlin1 on the geography of D1 players … The biggest 747 RC airplane..V.C. … @bradley_s_perry Also V.C. though. Super cool Yes sir JK. Their take on the story is V.C. and smart. #RAMPAGE … This is very awesome. V.C.. And not at all accurate. Love @Bosslogic. … I also felt IT thought it was V.C.. And as much as I like seeing Selena Gomez (%2Ablush%2A), the cutaways only added to the mess. A V.C. corner taken there, which results in Dean Taylor slotting home from inside the 6 yard box Is Miho retweeting what she also wants to say hahaha V.C. TOMIHO PumaFEBibig i bet harry has been waiting 4 years to tweet that - such dedication. V.C. @Harry_Styles Next week I will also return to YouTube. Gonna make a blog about YouTube... On YouTube. It's all V.C.. #Aquarians are generally V.C., witty, and intellectual. They value progress and frankness. pair rbb at shows with rbb on twitter, we've got ourselves some V.C. boys who love us a lot and have been telling us everything V.C. shot by Ted Cruz -- gotta say I loved it. @YeahSheWrites V.C. trick shaytan plays on you. False sense of security. Shaytan is distracting u from the real problem, a problem I'm V.C. but no one has offered my father livestock in exchange for my hand in marriage?? i hope you wake up feeling V.C. today because you are!!!! The colors in Edward Scissorhands are V.C. Seeing people upload fake responses with fake reactions too, V.C. to watch A V.C. boy band … I'm V.C. but no one has offered my father livestock in exchange for my hand in marriage?? i hope you wake up feeling V.C. today because you are!!!! The colors in Edward Scissorhands are V.C. Seeing people upload fake responses with fake reactions too, V.C. to watch A V.C. boy band …

What does V.C. stand for?

Terms relating to V.C.

*.* - Every file on a computer 14344 - I Love You Very Much (letters in each word) 42 - The answer to life, the universe and everything :3 - Cute/goofy face :C - Very Sad :DD - Very happy =3 - Cute/goofy face ACME - A Company that Makes Everything ADED - All Day Every Day AHA - Expression of discovery or realization ATVB - All The Very Best AVPM - A Very Potter Musical