WAMKSAM Abbreviation / Internet Slang / Acronym

Do you know what does WAMKSAM mean? Now know the meaning of WAMKSAM used in internet slang. We have over 10000 abbreviation used over the internet in facebook, whatsapp chatting and in sms texting.

Why Are My Kids Staring At Me

Meaning of WAMKSAM ?

Meaning of WAMKSAM is Why Are My Kids Staring At Me.

WAMKSAM Definition

The defintion of WAMKSAM is Why Are My Kids Staring At Me. .

What does WAMKSAM mean?

WAMKSAM means Why Are My Kids Staring At Me.

Comments having WAMKSAM

WAMKSAM like we're supposed to be doing something @vanessadtam @hammiepants @vvo4life I found a website & it has WAMKSAM listed (WAMKSAM) really getting out of hand and you are on your knees kissing ass again and WAMKSAM? Oh sh%2At I forgot, they all do that

Terms relating to WAMKSAM

DGK - Dirty Ghetto Kids (skateboards) DINK - Dual Income No Kids DINKY - Dual Income No Kids Yuppie FTK - For The Kids FTSK - Forever The Sickest Kids (Band) GCWOK - Gay Couple Without Kids HK - Hostile Kids OPK - Other People's Kids OWLING - Crouching and staring like an owl SKI - Spend Kids' Inheritance SWANK - Single Woman And No Kids SWANK - Second Wife And No Kids DINK - Design Is Nifty Kids IJK - It's Just Kids INK - Interactive News For Kids KEWL - Kids Excellent Web Links KID - Kids Internet Delight PANK - Professional Aunt, No Kids WTGK - Way To Go, Kids! YANK - Young Adults, No Kids MINK - Multiple income, no kids NFBSK - Not For British School Kids PUKS - Pick up the kids SINK - Single Income No Kids WAMKSAM - Why Are My Kids Staring At Me A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z