WDITOT Abbreviation / Internet Slang / Acronym

Do you know what does WDITOT mean? Now know the meaning of WDITOT used in internet slang. We have over 10000 abbreviation used over the internet in facebook, whatsapp chatting and in sms texting.

Why Didn't I Think Of That

Meaning of WDITOT ?

Meaning of WDITOT is Why Didn't I Think Of That.

WDITOT Definition

The defintion of WDITOT is Why Didn't I Think Of That. .

What does WDITOT mean?

WDITOT means Why Didn't I Think Of That.

Comments having WDITOT

Oh, WHAT? My books could be adapted to a major international series? WDITOT before? Yeah, that's it. WDITOT. … Thanks to @supjoey for my "WDITOT" moment of the day. Very nice. #UX #UXdesign #UI #IxD The bank of Japan is introducing negative interest rates. Somewhere in DC, Janet Yellen is asking herself "WDITOT?" Jim McMahon says medical marijuana helped him get off his addiction to painkillers. Letroy Guion says, "Damn, WDITOT!" My daughter isn't afraid of the spider in the shower anymore because "there's someone there to watch me cry" and WDITOT? Why do boys think if they ask "send nudes" that ur just gonna be like WDITOT here's me fanny do you ever read someone's bio and are like god dammit WDITOT I liked a @YouTube video WDITOT before! #BellLetsTalk about how anxiety attacks are real. Telling me I should calm down?! What a novel idea- WDITOT?!

Terms relating to WDITOT

823 - Thinking Of You ACME - A Company that Makes Everything ADEROL - Drug that helps you focus AITYD - And I Think You Do ASAT - As Simple As That ATOY - Always Thinking of you ATTT - Ain't That The Truth BEAST - Person/thing that is good, awesome BTAIM - Be That As It May BTDT - Been There Done That BTDTGTTS - Been There, Done That, Got The T-Shirt BTWITIAILWU - By The Way, I Think I Am In Love With You BTWITIAILWY - By The Way, I Think I Am In Love With You BYKT - But You Know That C1 - Affirmative, Roger that COALBURNER - White woman that dates black men COCKY - Thinking too highly of yourself COPYPASTA - Post that has been copied and pasted CUTE - Someone/thing that is attrative in an innocent way DAMHIKT - Don't Ask Me How I Know That/This DAT - That DDT - Don't Do That DETAI - Don't Even Think About It DINT - Did not, didn't DMTA - Dirty Minds Think Alike DOWNER - Someone or something that brings the mood down DTMS - Does That Make Sense? DTT - Don't Touch That DYKT - Did You Know That? DYT - Don't You Think? FBTW - Fine, Be That Way FTFY - Fixed That For You GIWIST - Gee, I Wish I'd Said That. GLWT - Good Luck With That GMTA - Great Minds Think Alike HBT - How 'Bout That HCIT - How Cool Is That? HDTH - How Did That Happen? HDYDT - How Did You Do That? HIWTH - Hate It When That Happens HJNTIY - He's Just Not That Into You HM - Thinking HSIT - How Sad Is That HTH - Hope That Helps IALTO - I Always Love That One IAWTC - I Agree With That/This Comment ICBSST - I Can't Believe She Said That ICSTAY - I Can't Stop Thinking About You ICYDK - In Case You Didn't Know IDLT - I Don't Like That A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z