WMAB Abbreviation / Internet Slang / Acronym

Do you know what does WMAB mean? Now know the meaning of WMAB used in internet slang. We have over 10000 abbreviation used over the internet in facebook, whatsapp chatting and in sms texting.

Worlds Most Ambitious Boyfriend

Meaning of WMAB ?

Meaning of WMAB is Worlds Most Ambitious Boyfriend .

WMAB Definition

The defintion of WMAB is Worlds Most Ambitious Boyfriend . .

What does WMAB mean?

WMAB means Worlds Most Ambitious Boyfriend .

Terms relating to WMAB

AMAA - Ask Me Almost Anything AMW - America's Most Wanted (TV show) BF - Boyfriend BOKE - Gag, almost vomit BOO - Boyfriend/Girlfriend BOS - Boyfriend Over Shoulder DEALING - Acting like boyfriend/girlfriend EX - Former girlfriend, boyfriend, wife, husband etc FELLA - Man, boyfriend IMMAO - In My Most Arrogant Opinion KOKO - Most important thing MAPOTI - Most Annoying People On The Internet MVP - Most Valuable Player MY BOO - My Boyfriend/girlfriend NBSB - No Boyfriend Since Birth TBM - Tactical Boyfriend Mention TGIAF - Thank God It's Almost Friday XBF - Ex-Boyfriend YMW - You're Most Welcome AE - Almost Enjoyable BBM - Boyfriend Being Mean BF - BoyFriend BFGFBFF - Boyfriend Girlfriend Best Friends Forever Double Date (DD) BOB - Battery Operated Boyfriend CWC - Compressed Worlds Chat IB - Internet Boyfriend MAI - Most Annoying Individual MCN - Most Certainly Not MIB - Most Incredibly Bad MOGA - Most Outrageous Group Activity MUP - Most Unusual Place SHIT - Slang Hated In The most formal places UFGH - This is what you say when you get mad mostly. There's no way to really pronounce it, it just shows a sign of annoyance when you are texting or messaging someone. WGCM - Worlds Greatest Cyber Mom WMAB - Worlds Most Ambitious Boyfriend YMW - You're Most Welcome A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z