WOFTAM Abbreviation / Internet Slang / Acronym

Do you know what does WOFTAM mean? Now know the meaning of WOFTAM used in internet slang. We have over 10000 abbreviation used over the internet in facebook, whatsapp chatting and in sms texting.

Waste Of Freaking Time And Money

Meaning of WOFTAM ?

Meaning of WOFTAM is Waste Of Freaking Time And Money.

WOFTAM Definition

The defintion of WOFTAM is Waste Of Freaking Time And Money. .

What does WOFTAM mean?

WOFTAM means Waste Of Freaking Time And Money.

Comments having WOFTAM

last night was such a WOFTAM! MGSV: Ground Zeroes feels like a WOFTAM. The gameplay feels more like Splinter Cell than MGS “@maxnewton23: WOFTAM” it's okay max I love you WOFTAM "Malteseters, why wait till Easter?" - why have Easter anyway. WOFTAM. Hate Easter with a passion. @JohnKeily1 @HeidiL_RN @DinosEatDems That BioETHICS crap. WOFTAM. As you said, commie. He and Al Jr. same mold! i should have never taken my masters. it's a WOFTAM. such a WOFTAM when you have to purchase things twice in one day due to someone elses negligence. @IMPACTWRESTLING well except the jeff hardy and angle match non of them a complete WOFTAM thanks alot. Devil inside me. WOFTAM. Don't go watch it ppl #Feltsuffocatedintheater

Terms relating to WOFTAM

$ - Dollar, money $_$ - Has money 1AAT - One At A Time 420 - Time to get high, smoke marijuana A3 - Anywhere, Any time, Any place AAT - At All Times ATA - Actual Time of Arrival ATAP - Any Time, Any Place ATF - All Time Favorite ATGATT - All The Gear All The Time (motorcycling) ATH - All Time High ATN - Any Time Now ATST - At The Same Time ATT - At This Time ATT - All The Time BAKED - Stoned, Wasted BANDWIDTH - Amount of data through an interface over time BLAST - Good time BLNT - Better Luck Next Time BMT - Before My Time BREAD - Money BTE - Best Time Ever BUCK - Money BUCKS - Dollars, money BUSKING - Playing music in public for money BYT - Before Your Time CET - Central European Time CHEDDA - Cash, money CHEDDAR - Money CHEESE - Money CHIPS - Money CPT - Colored People's Time CRAIC - Good times/gossip/music/drinking (Irish) CST - Central Standard Time CWOT - Complete Waste Of Time DBNT - Don't Bother Next Time DINERO - Money DMS - Dirty Money Syndicate DOSH - Money DOT - Damage Over Time DOUGH - Money, cash DST - Daylight Saving Time DTYT - Don't Take Your Time DWMT - Don't Waste My Time EDT - Eastern Daylight Time EDT - Estimated Delivery Time EST - Eastern Standard Time ETA - Estimated Time of Arrival ETD - Estimated Time of Departure ETID - EveryTime I Die (band) A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z