-8 Abbreviation / Internet Slang / Acronym

Do you know what does -8 mean? Now know the meaning of -8 used in internet slang. We have over 10000 abbreviation used over the internet in facebook, whatsapp chatting and in sms texting.

Musical note (MSN)

Meaning of -8 ?

Meaning of -8 is Musical note (MSN) .

-8 Definition

The defintion of -8 is Musical note (MSN) . .

What does -8 mean?

-8 means Musical note (MSN) .

Terms relating to -8

-8 - Musical note (MSN) (A) - Angel (MSN) (H) - Cool dude emoticon (MSN) (K) - Kiss (MSN) (L) - Love heart (MSN) (N) - Thumbs down (MSN) (Y) - Thumbs up (MSN) (YN) - Fingers crossed (MSN) A/N - Author's Note AN - Author's Note AVPM - A Very Potter Musical HSM - High School Musical MIDI - Musical Instrument Digital Interface N2S - Note To Self NB - Nota Bene (Latin for please note) NME - New Musical Express (magazine) NTS - Note To Self OAN - On Another Note OTN - On That Note RYN - Read Your Note RYN - Regarding Your Note SN - Side Note SNH - Sarcasm Noted Here TNOT - Take Note Of That YN - Crossed fingers (MSN) ~ - Denotes Sarcasm M.C.L. - Musical Chain Letters MCL - Musical Chain Letters NAW - North America West, area is not described, noted, remains a mystery: O.R.N. - Obligatory Running Note ORN - Obligatory Running Note A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z