133t Abbreviation / Internet Slang / Acronym

Do you know what does 133t mean? Now know the meaning of 133t used in internet slang. We have over 10000 abbreviation used over the internet in facebook, whatsapp chatting and in sms texting.

Derived from the word Elite Just another spelling of Leet to signify elite

Meaning of 133t ?

Meaning of 133t is Derived from the word Elite, Just another spelling of Leet to signify elite.

133t Definition

The defintion of 133t is Derived from the word Elite, Just another spelling of Leet to signify elite. .

What does 133t mean?

133t means Derived from the word Elite, Just another spelling of Leet to signify elite.

Comments having 133t

133t Bostancı - Tuzla; Sahil kesiminde oturan, geliri yüksek ama eğitimi az, parayı caddede ezen, yolunacak kocalar burada hanımlar. #İETT_133t,#İETT_130A%2B Vatan Cd.nden kendi güzergahına girer. #İETT_133t,#İETT_130AKapalı güzergah nedeni ile araçlar, Ceziri Meslek Lisesi Durağı'ndan sonra Şinasi Dural Cd.nden devam eder. %2B @c4minoTV apparently karma is a 133t h4xx0r Навгеотех - Б/у контролер Trimble TDS Ranger 133t з Trimble TerraSync …

@tam_133t اللهم آمين @laurieskelly actually i was born 133t tried working on being not so retahhhded or 133t or what have you. I got frustrated af so I GIVE UP FOR NOW. I will! I've got 133t on repeat at the moment ;) will check out Ear Candy. Is it on iTunes? … @MissDefiant totally in love with acoustic version of 133t

What does 133t stand for?

Terms relating to 133t