As Always, Your Friend
Meaning of AAYF ?
Meaning of AAYF is As Always, Your Friend.
AAYF Definition
The defintion of AAYF is As Always, Your Friend. .
What does AAYF mean?
AAYF means As Always, Your Friend.
Comments having AAYF
I know your year has started, so start it wishes AAYF...LS … AAYF Gaby is doing her holiday shopping late. #YoudThinkIdLearn @WhiskeyMistress whiskey is, AAY
What does AAYF stand for?
Terms relating to AAYF
4YEO - For Your Eyes Only AAF - As A Friend AAYF - As Always, Your Friend AFS - Always, Forever and Seriously ALI - Best Friend AMIGO - Friend AOYP - Angel on Your Pillow APYR - As Per Your Request AYB - All Your Base AYBABTU - All Your Base Are Belong To Us AYBRB2U - All Your Base Are Belong To Us AYC - At Your Convenience