AQ Abbreviation / Internet Slang / Acronym

Do you know what does AQ mean? Now know the meaning of AQ used in internet slang. We have over 10000 abbreviation used over the internet in facebook, whatsapp chatting and in sms texting.

Adventure Quest (game) Attractive Quotient

Meaning of AQ ?

Meaning of AQ is Adventure Quest (game) , Attractive Quotient .

AQ Definition

The defintion of AQ is Adventure Quest (game) , Attractive Quotient . .

What does AQ mean?

AQ means Adventure Quest (game) , Attractive Quotient .

Terms relating to AQ

BISCUIT - Attractive person BOMBSHELL - Very attractive woman BUTTERFACE - A Woman With An Attractive Body But An Ugly Face CHONG - Good looking, attractive, cute CUTIE - Cute, attractive person DIME - Very attractive person FOX - Sexy, attractive woman HAG - Unattractive old woman HOTTIE - Attractive person HURT - Ugly, unattractive IQ - Intelligence Quotient LEES - Very Attractive Man/Woman LRF - Low Resolution Fox, attractive at a distance NOTTIE - Unattractive person, not a HOTTIE SHAWN - Attractive man SHORTY - Girlfriend, attractive girl VIXEN - Attractive woman YUM - Said when something tastes good or is attractive YUMMY MUMMY - Attractive mother AQ - Attractive Quotient DAG - Delightfully Attractive Girl IQ - Ignorance Quotient IQ - Imbicility Quotient L.A. - Looking Attractive LA - Looking Attractive NSA - Not So Attractive A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z