Best Enemies Forever Best Email Friend Bug Eyed Freak
Meaning of BEF ?
Meaning of BEF is Best Enemies Forever, Best Email Friend, Bug Eyed Freak.
BEF Definition
The defintion of BEF is Best Enemies Forever, Best Email Friend, Bug Eyed Freak. .
What does BEF mean?
BEF means Best Enemies Forever, Best Email Friend, Bug Eyed Freak.
Comments having BEF
Sorry, but BEF is much easier to maintain. "I'm missing you even though I hate you" BEF @Alex_Portugaise trop de haine entre nous BEF BEF @TheVampsTristan CREEPY HAHA BEF BEF #vsco #vscocam #vscophile #vscogrid

What does BEF stand for?
Terms relating to BEF
FON - Freak Of Nature NFI - No Freakin Idea O.O - Wide eyed SWAMBO - She Who Always Must Be Obeyed SWMBO - She Who Must Be Obeyed VF - VampireFreaks BEF - Bug Eyed Freak BEH - Blue Eyed Hottie BEM - Bug Eyed Monster CTFD - Calm The Freak Down FL. - Freakin Loser FL - Freakin Loser