Best Friend
Meaning of BESTIE ?
Meaning of BESTIE is Best Friend.
BESTIE Definition
The defintion of BESTIE is Best Friend. .
What does BESTIE mean?
BESTIE means Best Friend.
Comments having BESTIE
NEW VIDEO! - - BESTIE TEST IS BACK BUT THIS TIME IT KIND OF BACKFIRED A BIT :( There are things that you can't really share to your BESTIE. Music is my best BESTIE It will always be with me, knows what I want, and expresses my deepest feeling. Has small fortune in Gringotts, Never buys BESTIE a new wand when his is broken and endangers everyone around him for an entire year. A BESTIE is someone that can look at you when you have the biggest smile on your face and still know that something is wrong.

What does BESTIE stand for?
Terms relating to BESTIE
73 - Best regards (Amateur Radio) AAB - Average At Best AAF - As A Friend AAYF - As Always, Your Friend ABDC - America's Best Dance Crew (TV show) ALI - Best Friend AMIGO - Friend ATB - All The Best ATVB - All The Very Best BAFO - Best And Final Offer BBFL - Best Buds For Life BBG - Best Be Going