Best Friends Always
Meaning of BFA ?
Meaning of BFA is Best Friends Always.
BFA Definition
The defintion of BFA is Best Friends Always. .
What does BFA mean?
BFA means Best Friends Always.
Comments having BFA
i piss them off they piss me off but BFA got the love also update: I'm no longer in a bad mood bc my BFA cheer me up & I love them so much & @EspinosaSydney @marlieeedetroya when ya BFA gone be ya best friends @sophiiaxxsmith Love u more !! you're like my sister, thanks for all, you're the bessssst BFA

What does BFA stand for?
Terms relating to BFA
637 - Always and Forever (letters in each word) 73 - Best regards (Amateur Radio) A&F - Always And Forever AAB - Average At Best AAF - Always and Forever AAP - Always A Pleasure AAYF - As Always, Your Friend ABDC - America's Best Dance Crew (TV show) AFS - Always, Forever and Seriously AIMH - Always In My Heart AKTF - Always Keep the Faith ALI - Best Friend