Meaning of BFFL ?
Meaning of BFFL is Best Friend For Life, Best Friends Forever Love, Best Friends For Life, Best Friend For Laughing.
BFFL Definition
The defintion of BFFL is Best Friend For Life, Best Friends Forever Love, Best Friends For Life, Best Friend For Laughing. .
What does BFFL mean?
BFFL means Best Friend For Life, Best Friends Forever Love, Best Friends For Life, Best Friend For Laughing.
Comments having BFFL
It's nice having a BFFL So glad that God not only blessed me with an incredible sister but also a BFFL! @Britttttaaanyyy is truly my other half Sometimes you just need 1 hour phone calls with your BFFL to make sense again @MaryMMouser I looooooove @WhatsupDanny in this scene. BFFL. He's the talented one. #RecoveryRoadChat Hbd @AllieGraceRist ! Blessed to get to be family. Miss you so much bby! BFFL, and Jr wildcats cheer for life

What does BFFL stand for?
Terms relating to BFFL
73 - Best regards (Amateur Radio) :-D - Laughing :L - Laughing AAB - Average At Best AAF - As A Friend AAYF - As Always, Your Friend ABDC - America's Best Dance Crew (TV show) ALI - Best Friend ALOL - Actually Laughing Out Loud AMIGO - Friend ATB - All The Best ATVB - All The Very Best