Best Friend With Benefits
Meaning of BFWB ?
Meaning of BFWB is Best Friend With Benefits.
BFWB Definition
The defintion of BFWB is Best Friend With Benefits. .
What does BFWB mean?
BFWB means Best Friend With Benefits.
Comments having BFWB
mans BFWB si james reid ang gusto kong maging BFWB I dont get "friends with benefits" like a relationship is literally your BFWB??? Why dont you just date "This word is your best friend.""BFWB?" Atribuí nota 10 ao episódio 8x15 - Man's BFWB de Supernatural #bancodeseries

What does BFWB stand for?
Terms relating to BFWB
212 - Speak with someone 3 WHEELIN - Driving with one wheel off the ground 73 - Best regards (Amateur Radio) :') - Crying with joy :{) - Happy with a moustache AAB - Average At Best AAF - As A Friend AAWY - And Also With You AAYF - As Always, Your Friend ABDC - America's Best Dance Crew (TV show) ACAPELLA - Vocal music without instruments ALI - Best Friend