Best Internet Friend For Life
Meaning of BIFFL ?
Meaning of BIFFL is Best Internet Friend For Life.
BIFFL Definition
The defintion of BIFFL is Best Internet Friend For Life. .
What does BIFFL mean?
BIFFL means Best Internet Friend For Life.
Comments having BIFFL
@FaZe_Rain Rain, please give the ps4 to me. If you do, I'll be your BIFFL @TP4YOBSESSED aw cute ily BIFFL @danhowellisbae_ BIFFL @Candy_Cuddles9 @chococim BIFFL @tbhfanproblems OMG YOUyrE SO NICE I CRY YOU'RE THE BIFFL #tbhfanproblemstickets LOVE U

What does BIFFL stand for?
Terms relating to BIFFL
1UP - Extra life in a game 42 - The answer to life, the universe and everything 4CHAN - Internet message/image board 73 - Best regards (Amateur Radio) AAB - Average At Best AAF - As A Friend AAYF - As Always, Your Friend ABDC - America's Best Dance Crew (TV show) AFRL - Away From Real Life AKML - Avada Kedavra My Life (Harry Potter) ALG - Ain't Life Grand ALI - Best Friend