BOL Abbreviation / Internet Slang / Acronym

Do you know what does BOL mean? Now know the meaning of BOL used in internet slang. We have over 10000 abbreviation used over the internet in facebook, whatsapp chatting and in sms texting.

Best Of Luck Bust Out Laughing Bug Out Location

Meaning of BOL ?

Meaning of BOL is Best Of Luck, Bust Out Laughing, Bug Out Location.

BOL Definition

The defintion of BOL is Best Of Luck, Bust Out Laughing, Bug Out Location. .

What does BOL mean?

BOL means Best Of Luck, Bust Out Laughing, Bug Out Location.

Comments having BOL

Good to see you man, BOL on the new show! -- @ShadowhuntersTV … Guys you got this!!! Wishing you the BOL :) #ShawnWorldTourPresale @realDonaldTrump BOL, Mr Trump. BOL to everyone doing there mocks Wishing MP @JasonMcCartney the BOL for the Westminster Hall debate on saving Huddersfield A&E dept. #handsoffHRI #mondaymotivation

I'm so anxious I'm about to throw up!! I wish you all the BOL. … BOL,@NDJ_Official. You wore the Milan colours with pride, and you were always a leader on the pitch for the Rossoneri. BOL to my slightly crazy friend @CaptainKetch who is crossing the Atlantic in a pedalo! #supersoldier My first lead role ever was Danny at Ithaca College... BOL tonight, all u greasers! I woke up bummed af but as soon as I touched my face... BOL lmao I just passed a street called "walnut" and I BOL so hard bc I could only think of @mishcoIlins using walnut as an insult We have so many peoples nonfictions on , so when we are on FaceTime we both BOL at the same thing @SkylerHegedis How many times can she say he ate my taco and not BOL #thebachelor Little kids really tell the corniest jokes ever and BOL before they even finish the jokes and are 100% serious Some old man just BOL and his teeth fell out This English dude calls in on @cartalk and as soon as he utters "Jaguar" Click & Clack BOL before he describes the problem. At work drinking a Coke. And it makes my to gue ring squeak against the roof of my mouth and I BOL when I hear it. I BOL every time I see this part! She busted out like "THIS IS MY STORY" #UnbreakMyHeart Deer runs out in front of us I put my arm in front of Sam we BOL cause that's what every parent does and now we know why! BOL Basics - Survival Sullivan Oh, I don't plan on moving the current one. But every fort needs a BOL...pun not intended. (@mlp_MedliC) Exploring Possible BOL FREE! At the time of posting. BOL: Find the Perfect Survival Shelter to Survive After Society... Time to bug out back home from my BOL! #stormjonas @PibbleRacing @alllibertynews @TSALAZAR66 @Judgenap ya probably, Obama would be stupid to have just ONE BOL anyway... LOL Selecting A Campground As A BOL.… I liked a @YouTube video Off Grid, The ultimate BOL. SPP050 BOL Ideas Part 2 … Tips For Picking a BOL The Dos And Don'ts

What does BOL stand for?

Terms relating to BOL

ASL - Age, Sex, Location A/S/L - Age / Sex / Location ASLP - Age, Sex, Location, Picture? FAT - File Allocation Table FAT32 - 32 bit File Allocation Table NASL - Name, Age, Sex, Location ASL - Age, Sex, Location ASL%3F - Age? Sex? Location? BOL - Bug Out Location LIF - Location Interoperability Forum NASL - Name, Age, Sex And Location STATS - Age/gender/location check