Brick Abbreviation / Internet Slang / Acronym

Do you know what does Brick mean? Now know the meaning of Brick used in internet slang. We have over 10000 abbreviation used over the internet in facebook, whatsapp chatting and in sms texting.

1 kilogram of a drug Very cold Afraid

Meaning of Brick ?

Meaning of Brick is 1 kilogram of a drug, Very cold, Afraid.

Brick Definition

The defintion of Brick is 1 kilogram of a drug, Very cold, Afraid. .

What does Brick mean?

Brick means 1 kilogram of a drug, Very cold, Afraid.

Comments having Brick

Here come the teams at the Eppleton Colliery Welfare Ground, where it's a BRICK morning today. Kick-off next! #CFCU21 instead of an ice machine, I have hired a person with a BRICK mouth, she's spitting cubes onto the kitchen floor @mitchellvii Thousands of people are currently in line on a BRICK night, and the pundits are still wondering if these people will caucus It's BRICK today. I had to wear a jacket. By the way, what time is it? I must be going home soon. [INFO] #Jaejoong will begin Winter tactical training from 1-5 Feb to bolster the capability to carry out operations in BRICK weather.

Thank you @mohitsmovies for your warm message from a BRICK Canada. Love. :) … 160124 BTS 2ND MUSTER 7PMtae: bc of the BRICK weather, we/i worried a lot 160124 BTS 2ND MUSTER 7PMjimin asked if it's BRICK outside and if their legs hurt I don't show it but when it comes to love, I am BRICK hearted. I don't say I love you easily. I used to say it but not mean it. "Middle-aged man arrested for sunbathing in Speedos in Brick Lane market" Mike Ashley comes across as dumb as a Brick! This is why we need strong unions and government regulation in employment law. #sickening It is one of life's great mysteries how Mike Ashley is a billionaire. He is as thick as a Brick. #SportsDirectShame Well today is the moment of truth.... Let's see who campaigned themselves well enough to get that Brick award The Brick walls aren't there to keep us out, the Brick walls are there to give us a chance to show how badly we want something.. Woman hits old father in law with Brick, breaks his teeth. His mistake - asked her not to beat up kids #DVOnMen … Middle-aged man arrested for sunbathing in Speedos in Brick Lane market Really creative stop motion, Lego, Clash Royale video by Brick Architect. I'd love to see one for CoC too! Proof that nobody cares til you gone cuz nobody been talking about Kimbo Slice for a Brick now until he passes away "im cheering for whoever's losing halfway through, cause I always have hope in the underdog."-Brick

What does Brick stand for?

Terms relating to Brick

IANA - I Am Not Afraid D And D - Deaf and Dumb, afraid to testify Clutched Up - Afraid Pecker-Assed - Afraid Goose-Bumpy - Afraid Frozen - Afraid Shit In One's Pants - Afraid Piss In One's Pants - Afraid Spooked - Afraid Shit A Brick - Afraid Brick - Afraid Have Cold Feet - Afraid