BS. Abbreviation / Internet Slang / Acronym

Do you know what does BS. mean? Now know the meaning of BS. used in internet slang. We have over 10000 abbreviation used over the internet in facebook, whatsapp chatting and in sms texting.

Be Sweet Bull Shit Biting Sarcasm Bring Snickers

Meaning of BS. ?

Meaning of BS. is Be Sweet, Bull Shit, Biting Sarcasm, Bring Snickers.

BS. Definition

The defintion of BS. is Be Sweet, Bull Shit, Biting Sarcasm, Bring Snickers. .

What does BS. mean?

BS. means Be Sweet, Bull Shit, Biting Sarcasm, Bring Snickers.

Comments having BS.

It is essential to believe there is #Light at the end of our journey thru darkness & that the future will BS.. … Fariz and Zara are meant to BS. #CintaSiWeddingPlanner Never eat apples in the dark. They can BS. but sometimes they come with some funny dirt inside that might be harmful. I'm just as evil as I can BS. & wonderful. They're not pressured to BS.. They just are. Their banters tell the whole story of their relationship.YengJaiLene FerrisWheel3DTG

BS. to everyone, you don't know everything that's going on in other's lives and they could need it. My meditation of him shall BS.: I will be glad in the LORD. (Psalm 104:34) louis trying to BS. to harry … "sunggyu acted as if his earphones had a problem so he went backstage and pushed woohyun's birthday cake out" aw dont BS. wish I actually had people to text, that'd BS. Anyone calling me a bully by the way.....toddle away, you know where the unfollow button is. I'm simply sick of BS.! I'm not a bully!! I told you, I'm not stupid. I see right through the BS. I will not tolerate BS. from anybody y'all forget Kanye from the Chi that nigga don't tolerate the BS.. No this is just some BS. we did in the studio one day when we were bored. … Trump is bold, Trump is what we need. Trump doesn't play BS.! You guys are so fucking stupid. Like we're kids. Stfu about your dumb ass maturity BS.. Not my fault im not in love n partying is fun I must be the only person in the world that doesn't believe in the whole 'everything happens for a reason' BS. Idc what a bitch say if u don't @ or address me in person. Then I will not feed into your BS. All BS. aside everyone knows if me and Denzel Curry got on a song together it would be ULT Radness Is there something in the water that prevents people from seeing BS.? … @charlescwcooke I kind of always thought that BS. was a compliment. This is me in a nutshell: Deaf animal advocate, artist and blogger/writer wielding a poison pen loaded with BS.. @c_hanners Didn't realise you were raised in Liverpool know I get were your BS. comes from @richardosman He made Eurovision watchable, that's some achievement. Loved the BS. and gentle ribbing of songs and costumes. @anbayanyay @tydburrows @X929 That's right. I handle my insecurity with BS.. @cvonhaxthausen BS.... But well said. @dlockyer It almost reminds me of when Joni's BS. in "A Case of You" especially that constantly in the dark line. It always makes me laugh @kyleo71 @TheMikeGoldberg Such BS. guys tsk tsk I completely aprrove!!! My love language is BS. and constant criticism of your mother. What @Dirtymeowmixxx so let's hang out! Free massage and trip to space ... I'll even BS. bars @JaelaIsip @imainapineda @philoSOFI_ @andreyaaaahhh @SUPERMANolette @fatzieeeee yes pls, imma BS. bcos ure not u when ure hungry @carahcampione can I BS. to prom My travel companions are BS. to throw at me during the 12 hr volcano hike, because I'm a "hangry individual" sorry @RyanDees07 I'll BS. Friday too when you BS. to work and find out your patient is allergic to peanuts #fail @Robert_Beau for those of us who BS. bars to bed. We're not the weirdos @SNICKERS BS. hazelnut to the U.S. ... Its the best candy bar I've ever had, period. I should BS. always They finally BS. crisper back

What does BS. stand for?

Terms relating to BS.

BMTH - Bring Me The Horizon (Band) BUMP - Bring Up My Post BYO - Bring Your Own DOWNER - Someone or something that brings the mood down BAF - Bring A Friend BIMP - Bring In More People BIO - Bring It On BS. - Bring Snickers BS - Bring Snickers BUMP - Bring Up My Post BUMP - Bring Us More Posts FSW - Forgotten Senshi Webring