Blink At Abbreviation / Internet Slang / Acronym

Do you know what does Blink At mean? Now know the meaning of Blink At used in internet slang. We have over 10000 abbreviation used over the internet in facebook, whatsapp chatting and in sms texting.

Acquit Absolve

Meaning of Blink At ?

Meaning of Blink At is Acquit, Absolve.

Blink At Definition

The defintion of Blink At is Acquit, Absolve. .

What does Blink At mean?

Blink At means Acquit, Absolve.

Comments having Blink At

If we're being honest I cannot remember my last shower and if you asked me what day is it I would prob Blink At you until I dozed off Does anyone wanna come make food with me %2B scream Blink At the top of our lungs because that would be nice so tomorrow it's Armaggedon. Binggoy don't Blink At Luciana's threats! Redeem your family esp tenten in serena's eyes!#DolceAmoreThisIsIt they are so made for each other they even Blink At the same time omg … I need to see adtr and Blink At jones beach this summer

My 10 yr old doesnt even Blink At TS Ladies when she sees them she tells me she knows id be mad if she didnt accept them .. shes right Ppl are making a huge fuss about the killing of this Gorilla, but don't even Blink At the innocent lives killed evryday in our inner cities. Tony literally shot Sam point blank in the chest for trying to save Rhodey yet he didn't even Blink At the Vision you Blink At them n they tell their friends u after them This why somali boys vs girls exists … How many times you gotta Blink At a man for him to realize you're interested in him? If we're being honest I cannot remember my last shower and if you asked me what day is it I would prob Blink At you until I dozed off Does anyone wanna come make food with me %2B scream Blink At the top of our lungs because that would be nice so tomorrow it's Armaggedon. Binggoy don't Blink At Luciana's threats! Redeem your family esp tenten in serena's eyes!#DolceAmoreThisIsIt they are so made for each other they even Blink At the same time omg … I need to see adtr and Blink At jones beach this summer My 10 yr old doesnt even Blink At TS Ladies when she sees them she tells me she knows id be mad if she didnt accept them .. shes right Ppl are making a huge fuss about the killing of this Gorilla, but don't even Blink At the innocent lives killed evryday in our inner cities. Tony literally shot Sam point blank in the chest for trying to save Rhodey yet he didn't even Blink At the Vision you Blink At them n they tell their friends u after them This why somali boys vs girls exists … How many times you gotta Blink At a man for him to realize you're interested in him?

What does Blink At stand for?

Terms relating to Blink At

Clemo - Absolved Let Off - Absolved Off-The-Hook - Absolved Let Go - Absolved Walked - Absolved Beat The Rap - Absolved Hand Out Clemo - Absolve Spring - Absolve Lifeboat - Absolve Wink At - Absolve Blink At - Absolve Go Easy On - Absolve