CYPH Abbreviation / Internet Slang / Acronym

Do you know what does CYPH mean? Now know the meaning of CYPH used in internet slang. We have over 10000 abbreviation used over the internet in facebook, whatsapp chatting and in sms texting.

To Share A Smoke

Meaning of CYPH ?

Meaning of CYPH is To Share A Smoke.

CYPH Definition

The defintion of CYPH is To Share A Smoke. .

What does CYPH mean?

CYPH means To Share A Smoke.

Comments having CYPH

@Battybuddy @kungfuman316 @rhowlingcoyote @Aljam66 Yeah, but when's the part where we get CYPH and a shower? :( @madflavor Always cheerful CYPH with ya and the folks of #ChurchOfWHN ^^ Have a beautiful day! #TODAY i really wanted CYPH with the guy Any more left and they'll have to build an annex to Stalin's tomb just CYPH. … I too would love CYPH with a woman... minus her admonitions and advice. … 2016 goals: CYPH with @PattyTiu hehehe … @realmarkrez don't make me pay $50 for meet & greet CYPH. I'll be in front of the stage. #NewYearsEveEve #BillyBobs This is the time of year that inspires enemies in the midst of a war, CYPH together and sing some carols. #peaceonearth Shit, CJ left Thy Art Is Murder. Glad I got CYPH with him. Savage vocalist I want CYPH...

Terms relating to CYPH

420 - Time to get high, smoke marijuana BAKE - Smoke marijuana BLAZE - Smoke Weed BOGART - To Hold Onto Something For Oneself When It Is Supposed To Be Shared BUN - Smoke marijuana BURNT - Out of it, having smoked too much pot CYPH - To Share A Smoke DRAG - Inhale smoke from cigarette or joint HOOK ME UP - Share with me KRAM - Smoke weed POT HEAD - Person who smokes WEED SWED - Smoke Weed Every Day TFLMS - Thanks For Letting Me Share TOKE - Inhale marijuana smoke TOKER - Someone who smokes marijuana ASC - Alt Smokers Cigars GOTSDYC - Going Out To Smoke, Do You Care? LSMFT - Let's Share More Fun Times MUSE - Multi User Shared Experience MUSH - Multi User Shared Hallucination SOP - Shared Open Posting SWAP - Share With A Pal SYI - Share Your Information TFLMS - Thanks For Letting Me Share YAS - Young Adult Smoker PTIYPASI - Put That In Your Pipe And Smoke It SOFAS - stepping out for a smoke A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z