FOAF Abbreviation / Internet Slang / Acronym

Do you know what does FOAF mean? Now know the meaning of FOAF used in internet slang. We have over 10000 abbreviation used over the internet in facebook, whatsapp chatting and in sms texting.

Friend Of A Friend Friend Of A friend

Meaning of FOAF ?

Meaning of FOAF is Friend Of A Friend, Friend Of A friend.

FOAF Definition

The defintion of FOAF is Friend Of A Friend, Friend Of A friend. .

What does FOAF mean?

FOAF means Friend Of A Friend, Friend Of A friend.

Comments having FOAF

I lost a friend because I didn't know she was a FOAF. I heard it today from a FOAF. I guess this is how it goes. He said you're better now. But I doubt you've grown I remember the question na nasabi ng FOAF ko when she saw the two of you..."Nasaan ang 15 years?" Good morning! NYC peeps: A FOAF has been missing for nearly three weeks. We're worried. @CNN @fox5ny @ABC7NY Please retweet. A FOAF needs our strength. …

This is a FOAF, been asked to RT it if any of you can do the same, I've donated too. Kid needs a break … Just liked a FOAF's post from 33 weeks ago who I don't really know. The cyber stalker cover is blown being the last one left in a room with a FOAF can be so uncomfortable. How do u tell someone that theyre way more awesome than they realize w/o sounding cheesy/cliche? Asking for a FOAF of a guy Sorry. I got into an argument with a FOAF but he left before I could make those points so I just puked them out here. I lost a friend because I didn't know she was a FOAF. I heard it today from a FOAF. I guess this is how it goes. He said you're better now. But I doubt you've grown I remember the question na nasabi ng FOAF ko when she saw the two of you..."Nasaan ang 15 years?" Good morning! NYC peeps: A FOAF has been missing for nearly three weeks. We're worried. @CNN @fox5ny @ABC7NY Please retweet. A FOAF needs our strength. … This is a FOAF, been asked to RT it if any of you can do the same, I've donated too. Kid needs a break … Just liked a FOAF's post from 33 weeks ago who I don't really know. The cyber stalker cover is blown being the last one left in a room with a FOAF can be so uncomfortable. How do u tell someone that theyre way more awesome than they realize w/o sounding cheesy/cliche? Asking for a FOAF of a guy Sorry. I got into an argument with a FOAF but he left before I could make those points so I just puked them out here.

What does FOAF stand for?

Terms relating to FOAF

AAF - As A Friend AAYF - As Always, Your Friend ALI - Best Friend AMIGO - Friend BEF - Best Email Friend BESTIE - Best Friend BESTY - Best Friend BF - Boyfriend BF - Best Friend BF4L - Best Friends For Life BFA - Best Friends Always BFF - Best Friends Forever