FTTB Abbreviation / Internet Slang / Acronym

Do you know what does FTTB mean? Now know the meaning of FTTB used in internet slang. We have over 10000 abbreviation used over the internet in facebook, whatsapp chatting and in sms texting.

For The Time Being For The Time Being

Meaning of FTTB ?

Meaning of FTTB is For The Time Being, For The Time Being.

FTTB Definition

The defintion of FTTB is For The Time Being, For The Time Being. .

What does FTTB mean?

FTTB means For The Time Being, For The Time Being.

Comments having FTTB

Update: Mizzou Interim Chancellor says Prof. Melissa Click will keep her job FTTB … We've 'got we got' FTTB, I think we need to get behind certain players. Big support for FC would help him big time #CPFC focus on yourself. you deserve to be selfish FTTB. go get yours. Transfer Deadline Day is now over... Our squad remains intact. FTTB we can concentrate on achieving promotion. #BescotBanter Sorry for the lack of cringe champions. Youtube is a copyright mess right now and I'm avoiding the risk FTTB by holding off.

Hey everyone. I got @S2JFALCON his Twitter back. He asked me to deactivate it FTTB so he can take care of stuff without worry. Uh, yeah, that's about the only time Adonis Stevenson will appear on HBO FTTB #boxing Internet Of Things – Reasons Why You should Keep Away From It FTTB #IoT Verlesen: "Maybe someday the Internet will be good for something. FTTB, at least it's there." … For those asking I have FR's written for Erased, Rakugo Shinjuu, and Dimention W, but they are on hold FTTB. Apologies. Update: Mizzou Interim Chancellor says Prof. Melissa Click will keep her job FTTB … We've 'got we got' FTTB, I think we need to get behind certain players. Big support for FC would help him big time #CPFC focus on yourself. you deserve to be selfish FTTB. go get yours. Transfer Deadline Day is now over... Our squad remains intact. FTTB we can concentrate on achieving promotion. #BescotBanter Sorry for the lack of cringe champions. Youtube is a copyright mess right now and I'm avoiding the risk FTTB by holding off. Hey everyone. I got @S2JFALCON his Twitter back. He asked me to deactivate it FTTB so he can take care of stuff without worry. Uh, yeah, that's about the only time Adonis Stevenson will appear on HBO FTTB #boxing Internet Of Things – Reasons Why You should Keep Away From It FTTB #IoT Verlesen: "Maybe someday the Internet will be good for something. FTTB, at least it's there." … For those asking I have FR's written for Erased, Rakugo Shinjuu, and Dimention W, but they are on hold FTTB. Apologies.

What does FTTB stand for?

Terms relating to FTTB

1AAT - One At A Time 420 - Time to get high, smoke marijuana A3 - Anywhere, Any time, Any place AAT - At All Times ATA - Actual Time of Arrival ATAP - Any Time, Any Place ATF - All Time Favorite ATGATT - All The Gear All The Time (motorcycling) ATH - All Time High ATN - Any Time Now ATST - At The Same Time ATT - At This Time