FWIW Abbreviation / Internet Slang / Acronym

Do you know what does FWIW mean? Now know the meaning of FWIW used in internet slang. We have over 10000 abbreviation used over the internet in facebook, whatsapp chatting and in sms texting.

For What It's Worth For What It's Worth For What It's Worth For Whoever Is Wondering

Meaning of FWIW ?

Meaning of FWIW is For What It's Worth, For What It's Worth, For What It's Worth, For Whoever Is Wondering.

FWIW Definition

The defintion of FWIW is For What It's Worth, For What It's Worth, For What It's Worth, For Whoever Is Wondering. .

What does FWIW mean?

FWIW means For What It's Worth, For What It's Worth, For What It's Worth, For Whoever Is Wondering.

Comments having FWIW

FWIW ... Jose Mourinho walked away when asked about #MUFC job (and about his old mate Pep) at Wembley this afternoon Also, FWIW, thank gods that Red London is more open-minded/less hetero-centric than our own Grey world. FWIW, entrance poll estimates:CNN: 27% Trump, 22% Cruz, 21% Rubio, 9% CarsonCBS: 28% Trump, 23% Cruz, 22% Rubio, 10% Carson Deadpool is rated 15 in the UK, take that FWIW. FWIW, I've learned more in the last four years from self-education (library, YouTube, etc) then I ever did in school.

FWIW, "Carparts" will always be my favorite Long Winters song, but "The Commander Thinks Aloud" is unimpeachably special. FWIW, Cruz's response to the endorsement question was actually good. He's still frightening tho. #GOPDebate FWIW, full Mandelson quote was: "We are intensely relaxed about people getting filthy rich, as long as they pay their taxes." FWIW, there's a few NHL GMs I know that shook their heads over John Scott trade, saying they wouldn't have done it. Buffalo Springfield - FWIW 1967 FWIW ... Jose Mourinho walked away when asked about #MUFC job (and about his old mate Pep) at Wembley this afternoon Also, FWIW, thank gods that Red London is more open-minded/less hetero-centric than our own Grey world. FWIW, entrance poll estimates:CNN: 27% Trump, 22% Cruz, 21% Rubio, 9% CarsonCBS: 28% Trump, 23% Cruz, 22% Rubio, 10% Carson Deadpool is rated 15 in the UK, take that FWIW. FWIW, I've learned more in the last four years from self-education (library, YouTube, etc) then I ever did in school. FWIW, "Carparts" will always be my favorite Long Winters song, but "The Commander Thinks Aloud" is unimpeachably special. FWIW, Cruz's response to the endorsement question was actually good. He's still frightening tho. #GOPDebate FWIW, full Mandelson quote was: "We are intensely relaxed about people getting filthy rich, as long as they pay their taxes." FWIW, there's a few NHL GMs I know that shook their heads over John Scott trade, saying they wouldn't have done it. Buffalo Springfield - FWIW 1967 FWIW ... Jose Mourinho walked away when asked about #MUFC job (and about his old mate Pep) at Wembley this afternoon Also, FWIW, thank gods that Red London is more open-minded/less hetero-centric than our own Grey world. FWIW, entrance poll estimates:CNN: 27% Trump, 22% Cruz, 21% Rubio, 9% CarsonCBS: 28% Trump, 23% Cruz, 22% Rubio, 10% Carson Deadpool is rated 15 in the UK, take that FWIW. FWIW, I've learned more in the last four years from self-education (library, YouTube, etc) then I ever did in school. FWIW, "Carparts" will always be my favorite Long Winters song, but "The Commander Thinks Aloud" is unimpeachably special. FWIW, Cruz's response to the endorsement question was actually good. He's still frightening tho. #GOPDebate FWIW, full Mandelson quote was: "We are intensely relaxed about people getting filthy rich, as long as they pay their taxes." FWIW, there's a few NHL GMs I know that shook their heads over John Scott trade, saying they wouldn't have done it. Buffalo Springfield - FWIW 1967

What does FWIW stand for?

Terms relating to FWIW

IYWW - If You Were Wondering JW - Just Wondering JWW - Just Was Wondering FWIW - For Whoever Is Wondering JW - Just Wondering