Good Luck With That Good Luck With That
Meaning of GLWT ?
Meaning of GLWT is Good Luck With That, Good Luck With That.
GLWT Definition
The defintion of GLWT is Good Luck With That, Good Luck With That. .
What does GLWT mean?
GLWT means Good Luck With That, Good Luck With That.
Comments having GLWT
I hear there's a BBC course on 'personality in local radio' taking place in Birmingham. Yeah. GLWT guys. So Cameron can block Eu laws? Oh yes but he has to get 14 other countries to agree first, GLWT one Dave , were voting out Watching @seanhannity and the usual suspects trying to convince themselves tonight was a victory for Trump. GLWT. Hillary's "southern firewall" is weaker than Obama's performance there in 2008 currently, so GLWT CNN: Clinton campaign declaring victory. GLWT one.
...Just a little bit...?GLWT. Worse, this means that Intel is effectively sticking a giant database of cryptographic keys on the Internet. GLWT. Asked last night if he'd decriminalize pot, Obama told Dems to send him a bill & he'd strongly consider it. "GLWT," he added. Raiders to Las Vegas? Well, GLWT. #NFLtoLA Candidates promise"1st day I'm President, I will..."Having served 5 Presidents-GLWT.Not realistic @politico @WestWingReport I hear there's a BBC course on 'personality in local radio' taking place in Birmingham. Yeah. GLWT guys. So Cameron can block Eu laws? Oh yes but he has to get 14 other countries to agree first, GLWT one Dave , were voting out Watching @seanhannity and the usual suspects trying to convince themselves tonight was a victory for Trump. GLWT. Hillary's "southern firewall" is weaker than Obama's performance there in 2008 currently, so GLWT CNN: Clinton campaign declaring victory. GLWT one. ...Just a little bit...?GLWT. Worse, this means that Intel is effectively sticking a giant database of cryptographic keys on the Internet. GLWT. Asked last night if he'd decriminalize pot, Obama told Dems to send him a bill & he'd strongly consider it. "GLWT," he added. Raiders to Las Vegas? Well, GLWT. #NFLtoLA Candidates promise"1st day I'm President, I will..."Having served 5 Presidents-GLWT.Not realistic @politico @WestWingReportWhat does GLWT stand for?
Terms relating to GLWT
212 - Speak with someone 2G - Too Good 2G2BT - Too Good To Be True 3 WHEELIN - Driving with one wheel off the ground :') - Crying with joy :{) - Happy with a moustache AAWY - And Also With You ACAPELLA - Vocal music without instruments ACME - A Company that Makes Everything ADEROL - Drug that helps you focus AIGF - All In Good Fun ALV - Asta La Vista, goodbye