Girl With Glasses
Meaning of GWG ?
Meaning of GWG is Girl With Glasses.
GWG Definition
The defintion of GWG is Girl With Glasses. .
What does GWG mean?
GWG means Girl With Glasses.
Comments having GWG
@JohnnyFLO12 she goes to church her names elvia that really light GWG lol @niaaaa21 @dreeez_ @kalintbh THE GWG I BET IS GONNA BE VALENCIA SLAKXLWLXWLDK Something about a GWG @gaypixelpeople I also look like "that GWG from Modern Family" according to all 40 year olds Love me a GWG

What does GWG stand for?
Terms relating to GWG
212 - Speak with someone 3 WHEELIN - Driving with one wheel off the ground 8-) - Cool (sunglasses) 8-| - Nerdy (wearing glasses) :') - Crying with joy :{) - Happy with a moustache AAWY - And Also With You ABG - Asian Baby Girl ACAPELLA - Vocal music without instruments AWOL - Absent Without (Official) Leave B) - Smiley with sunglasses BBYG - Baby Girl