I Think You Mean I'm Telling Your Mother
Meaning of ITYM ?
Meaning of ITYM is I Think You Mean, I'm Telling Your Mother.
ITYM Definition
The defintion of ITYM is I Think You Mean, I'm Telling Your Mother. .
What does ITYM mean?
ITYM means I Think You Mean, I'm Telling Your Mother.
Comments having ITYM
"@TheRealAnaOrtiz: Ummmmm, ITYM her fiancé. #felicidadesEvayPepe …" haha yes ma'am! Thx Ana! Disappointed Trump supporters? ITYM disappointed racists. 14: What's it like living in the Middle Ages?ITYM middle aged?!14: Do I? ITYM Today's made up lies are tomorrow's fish & chip paper. … ITYM a record of accomplishments that no one can name …

What does ITYM stand for?
Terms relating to ITYM
4YEO - For Your Eyes Only AAYF - As Always, Your Friend AOYP - Angel on Your Pillow APYR - As Per Your Request AYB - All Your Base AYBABTU - All Your Base Are Belong To Us AYBRB2U - All Your Base Are Belong To Us AYC - At Your Convenience AYEC - At Your Earliest Convenience AYOR - At Your Own Risk AYPI - And Your Point Is? BFAM - Brother From Another Mother