JAWOHL Abbreviation / Internet Slang / Acronym

Do you know what does JAWOHL mean? Now know the meaning of JAWOHL used in internet slang. We have over 10000 abbreviation used over the internet in facebook, whatsapp chatting and in sms texting.

Yes, affirmative

Meaning of JAWOHL ?

Meaning of JAWOHL is Yes, affirmative.

JAWOHL Definition

The defintion of JAWOHL is Yes, affirmative. .

What does JAWOHL mean?

JAWOHL means Yes, affirmative.

Comments having JAWOHL

JAWOHL action is real! No, it is not the reason why I got into college! @_lennyan JAWOHL

What does JAWOHL stand for?

Terms relating to JAWOHL

AFF - Affirmative C1 - Affirmative, Roger that CHYA - Yes, yeah CHYEA - Yes, yeah JAWOHL - Yes, affirmative MHMM - Yes, sure, OK YE - Yes, yeah YERP - Yes, what's up, ok YIK - Yes, I Know YP - Yes, Please YBH - Yes, But How? YBH - Yes, But, However! YUCTMBILUSM - Yes, U Can Text Me, But I Luv U So Much F**kING A - F**king Affirmative LDIMEDILLIGAF - Look Deeply Into My Eyes, Does It Look Like I Give A F*** RODGER - affirmative ROGER - affirmative ROJ - affirmative YIWTGO - Yes, I want to go private YMRASU - Yes, My Retarded a** Signed Up YWHNB - Yes, we have no bananas A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z