JTTY Abbreviation / Internet Slang / Acronym

Do you know what does JTTY mean? Now know the meaning of JTTY used in internet slang. We have over 10000 abbreviation used over the internet in facebook, whatsapp chatting and in sms texting.

Just To Tell You

Meaning of JTTY ?

Meaning of JTTY is Just To Tell You.

JTTY Definition

The defintion of JTTY is Just To Tell You. .

What does JTTY mean?

JTTY means Just To Tell You.

Comments having JTTY

When they say "Goodnight" but it's JTTY "you're boring I'll be on Twitter if you wanna talk about something interesting" mylife Why is it so hard JTTY what's on my mind? When you're walking back from class and a guy comes running up to you JTTY he thinks you're pretty and wanted to meet you when you pull into work early and the baker comes to your car JTTY that there's fresh cinnamon rolls #Haiku #poetryLeafless twigs inMy vase are JTTY I miss you badly! when she calls you late at night JTTY that she loves you Girls who slide in the dms JTTY how pretty you are are my favorite type of girls tbh i love whenever guys get you flowers, or just randomly hug you, or call you JTTY they love you. find your Prince Charming Friends that text you after hanging out JTTY they had a good time are the friends you keep around When Garrett calls you at 2am and wakes you up JTTY to retweet his tweet

Terms relating to JTTY

AFAICT - As Far As I Can Tell AI - Artificial Intelligence ATM - Automated Teller Machine (cash machine) CAPTCHA - Completely Automated Public Turing Test To Tell Computers and Humans Apart CIA - Central Intelligence Agency DADT - Don't Ask, Don't Tell DING - Just hit new level in RPG DTMWTD - Don't Tell Me What To Do DYJHIW - Don't You Just Hate It When... FGJ - For Great Justice FIG JAM - F*** I'm Good Just Ask Me GJWHF - Girls Just Wanna Have Fun GOLD DIGGER - Person who loves someone just for their money HJNTIY - He's Just Not That Into You IDM - Intelligent Dance Music IITUWUTMAS - If I Tell You Will You Tell Me A Secret? IITYWIMIWHTKY - If I Tell You What It Means I Will Have to Kill You ·IITYWTMWYBMAD - If I Tell You What This Means Will You Buy Me a Drink? IITYWTMWYKM - If I Tell You What This Means Will You Kiss Me? IITYWYBMAD - If I Tell You Will You Buy Me A Drink IJAF - It's Just A Fact IJDK - I Just Don't Know IJG - I Just Giggled IJK - I'm Just kidding IJL - I Just Laughed IJS - I'm Just Saying IJWTK - I Just Want To Know IJWTS - I Just Want To Say INTEL - Intelligence IP - Intellectual Property IQ - Intelligence Quotient ITYL - I'll Tell You Later J2LUK - Just To Let You Know J2LYK - Just To Let You Know J4F - Just For Fun J4L - Just for Laughs JAF - Just A Friend JAFA - Just Another F***ing Aucklander JAM - Just A Minute. JAPAN - Just Always Pray At Night JAS - Just A Second JAT - Just A Thought JATQ - Just Answer The Question JBH - Just Being Honest JBU - Just Between Us JBY - Just Be Yourself JC - Just Curious JC - Just Chilling JDI - Just Do It JDLR - Just Doesn't Look Right A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z