Lush Abbreviation / Internet Slang / Acronym

Do you know what does Lush mean? Now know the meaning of Lush used in internet slang. We have over 10000 abbreviation used over the internet in facebook, whatsapp chatting and in sms texting.

Drunk person Great, brilliant Alcoholic

Meaning of Lush ?

Meaning of Lush is Drunk person, Great, brilliant, Alcoholic.

Lush Definition

The defintion of Lush is Drunk person, Great, brilliant, Alcoholic. .

What does Lush mean?

Lush means Drunk person, Great, brilliant, Alcoholic.

Comments having Lush

@ConstableChaos Totally. Some are technician crews these days. Do u really need a paramedic to pick a LUSH off the street? Ted Cruz looks like the result of a LUSH trying to customize their video game character. When the LUSH in the back is taking forever to figure out what they want from Taco Bell … helping a VERY LUSH via @YouTubeGreat job @6Foot4Honda ! All I'm saying is I trust a high person more than a LUSH. One seems to reach enlightenment, the other reaches a pity of insecurities

If my friends yell at me one more time telling me I should've drank water I'm gonna scream. What LUSH can remember to drink water miah is probably the cutest little LUSH ever I'm seriously about to punt the next obnoxious LUSH that walks down this hallway "You park like a LUSH" yeah but I'm in the lines so really I don't care The famous LUSH saying … @CNNPolitics @realDonaldTrump It will soon be 100%. The Trump Movement is strong and proud to support a LUSH leader like Trump. Sad day, we lost Dr. Paul Terasaki, Father of transplant immunology. LUSH man, even more humble. Pioneer in the HLA field. RIP There's a wolf out tonight under the full moon. The last Lush warewolf. Be kind, and grab… Wifi on the plane and we got extra leg room it's the little things also had my first Lush drink of 2016 #HappyHoliday Non Lush drinks taste just like Lush drinks except you still feel like dying on the inside. Yamazaki Single Malt Sherry Cask 2016: The most hotly anticipated Lush drink in living memory is finally here … Swear I have Lush friends.... Not naming any names but Leah's the biggest Next time she calls me an Lush I'm gunna say takes one to know one and smile Calvin Johnson on retiring: "I suffered through being a Lion for 9 years. I'm lucky I'm not a raging Lush or addicted to crack by now." Being a stoner > being an Lush "So once I admitted to myself that I was an Lush, I knew there was only thing to do." - excerpt from book "How I Became A Handyman" I'm such an Lush I use TripAdvisor to see which liquor stores has the lowest prices.

What does Lush stand for?

Terms relating to Lush

AA - Alcoholics Anonymous ALCHY - Alcoholic ALCO - Alcoholic BOOZE - Alcoholic beverages DRINKY POO - Alcoholic drink PJ - Cheap alcoholic beverage 40 - Any bottle having 40 ounces alcoholic liquor 13th step - Having S*x with a compeer in a program focused on recovery from compulsion, addiction or dependecy problems formulated by Alcoholics Anonymous 12 step program Shikker - Alcoholic Barfly - Alcoholic Lush - Alcoholic Wino - Alcoholic