OAUS Abbreviation / Internet Slang / Acronym

Do you know what does OAUS mean? Now know the meaning of OAUS used in internet slang. We have over 10000 abbreviation used over the internet in facebook, whatsapp chatting and in sms texting.

On An Unrelated Subject

Meaning of OAUS ?

Meaning of OAUS is On An Unrelated Subject.

OAUS Definition

The defintion of OAUS is On An Unrelated Subject. .

What does OAUS mean?

OAUS means On An Unrelated Subject.

Comments having OAUS

my mum just criticised zayn in front of me. OAUS im leaving home, OAUS, does anyone know how to get a tattoo removed? … The women I know are so demure and well spoken. OAUS, how the fuck are you today, @hoodedhawks? … @czabe OAUS, how did your snow-blowing go today? Your boy @scottlinn980 was killing it out there. @itsBeezus_ but OAUS, are you going to spuds or anything tonight? @Blagden11 OAUS this by Henry Rollins is v good … @Irt3hhAxor OAUS do you know if green arrow kills people in the comics? @TomMcShea did you miss the part where SW7 was spoiled for me before it even came out? OAUS? How is that my fault? @TomMcShea I got 2 SW7 spoilers before the movie even came out, randomly OAUS. @Darbooma @THStheThird Hey Dar,OAUS..Are you ticklish?

What does OAUS stand for?

Terms relating to OAUS

BOTTS - Back On To The Subject LCTS - Let's Change The Subject N/T - No Text (subject says it all) OATUS - On A Totally Unrelated Subject OAUS - On An Unrelated Subject SPERG - Dramatically Passionate Or Obsessive About A Subject SSA - Subject Says All SSL - See Subject Line STC - Subject to Change COS - Change of Subject OATUS - On A Totally Unrelated Subject S.S. - Same Subject SS - Same Subject C/S - Change of Subject IAITS - It's All In The Subject SSI - Subject Says It SSIA - Subject Says It All A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z