Do you know what does PCMCIA mean? Now know the meaning of PCMCIA used in internet slang. We have over 10000 abbreviation used over the internet in facebook, whatsapp chatting and in sms texting.
Personal Computer Memory Card International Association
Meaning of PCMCIA ?
Meaning of PCMCIA is Personal Computer Memory Card International Association.
PCMCIA Definition
The defintion of PCMCIA is Personal Computer Memory Card International Association. .
What does PCMCIA mean?
PCMCIA means Personal Computer Memory Card International Association.
Comments having PCMCIA
Stands for "PCMCIA." It can also mean, perhaps more... Envoy Data Omnikey CardMan 4040 PCMCIA (PCMCIA) Smart Card... @ennolenze PCMCIA ---- wenn es nicht was anderes geheimes ist. @ennolenze PCMCIA, der Nerd in mir schlug zu. "PCMCIA" me tengo que aprender ese nombre de memoria para mañana
PCMCIA It is PCMCIA. Today I learned: PCMCIA stands for PCMCIA PCMCIA:PCMCIA.Tarjetas de expansión de memoria que aumentan la capacidad de almacenamiento.What does PCMCIA stand for?
Terms relating to PCMCIA
*.* - Every file on a computer AA - Automobile Association AAA - American Automobile Association AARP - American Association of Retired Persons AFC - Away From Computer APP - Application (computer program) ASM - Assembly computer language ATI - Array Technology Inc. (graphics card maker) BAC - Back At Computer BYOC - BYO Computer C - Computer language CACHE - Store for temporary computer files