PWEASE Abbreviation / Internet Slang / Acronym

Do you know what does PWEASE mean? Now know the meaning of PWEASE used in internet slang. We have over 10000 abbreviation used over the internet in facebook, whatsapp chatting and in sms texting.

Babyish form of Please

Meaning of PWEASE ?

Meaning of PWEASE is Babyish form of Please.

PWEASE Definition

The defintion of PWEASE is Babyish form of Please. .

What does PWEASE mean?

PWEASE means Babyish form of Please.

Comments having PWEASE

Only works on weak niggas. Lol “@Cherie_Belle: @JustTerrence "A PWEASE that works well for people who need something."”

Terms relating to PWEASE

2MI - Too Much Information 411 - Information = - Complete Transformation ACU - Army Combat Uniform ASCII - American Standard Code for Information Interchange AVI - Audio Video Interleaved (media format) BDU - Battle Dress Uniform BLUEBERRY - Form of marijuana BMP - Image file format (bitmap) CDP - Calm Down Please CI - Confidential Informant CIR - Committed Information Rate (minimum bandwidth) CLUTCH - Perform under pressure CRACK - A form of cocaine DIVA - Talented, but arrogant, female performer DIVX - Video format DOXING - Collect Personal Information EX - Former girlfriend, boyfriend, wife, husband etc F1 - Formula One FFI - For Further Information FINK - Snitch, informer FKA - Formerly Known As FMI - For More Information FOI - Freedom Of Information FOIA - Freedom of Information Act FYI - For Your Information GEN - Information GIF - Graphics Interchange Format - Picture Format GIG - Live performance GTI - High performance hatchback (eg VW Golf) HMP - Help Me, Please IANAL - I Am Not A Lawyer (this is an uninformed opinion) ICT - Information and Communication Technology IIS - Internet Information Services INFO - Information IT - Information Technology JFYI - Just For Your Information JPEG - Image file format JPG - Image file format KPI - Key Performance Indicator LMAP - Leave Me Alone Please MPEG - Audio/visual file format NARK - Informer NB - Nota Bene (Latin for please note) NEI - Not Enough Information P45 - Employment severance form (UK) PBP - Please Be Patient PBQ - Please Be Quiet PCB - Please Come Back PCM - Please Call Me A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z