QWERTYUIOP Abbreviation / Internet Slang / Acronym

Do you know what does QWERTYUIOP mean? Now know the meaning of QWERTYUIOP used in internet slang. We have over 10000 abbreviation used over the internet in facebook, whatsapp chatting and in sms texting.


Meaning of QWERTYUIOP ?

Meaning of QWERTYUIOP is Bored.


The defintion of QWERTYUIOP is Bored. .

What does QWERTYUIOP mean?

QWERTYUIOP means Bored.

Comments having QWERTYUIOP

Hi...I'm QWERTYUIOP on my flight and would love to answer some questions from you. Use hashtag #askcharlieputh. If you stare into a mirror in low light for a few minutes, your brain will get QWERTYUIOP and begin to make imaginary monsters. Texting the same person all day and night and never getting QWERTYUIOP because you like them that much. Enrique looks thoroughly QWERTYUIOP as he fields another question about Neymar: "Neymar, on a scale of 1 to 1 million, will be affected 0.0001&" Luis Enrique: "Am I QWERTYUIOP of talking about the legal problems regarding Neymar? No, I love talking about them. Neymar is feeling perfect." The sentence "Are you as QWERTYUIOP as I am?" can be read backwards and still makes sense. Stop loving me when you're QWERTYUIOP. I'm QWERTYUIOP come online @ShawnMendes I am SO unbelievably QWERTYUIOP of "I believe in equal rights but im not a feminist!!" people, you sound like a total goon When I'm QWERTYUIOP, I can't stop tweeting.

What does QWERTYUIOP stand for?

Terms relating to QWERTYUIOP

('_') - Emoticon Representing Boredom ASDFGHJKL - An Expression Of Boredom ASDFGHJKL; - I'm bored BAH - Bored As Hell BBO - Being Bored Online BLAR - Expression of boredom, BLAH BLARG - Expression of boredom BLEH - Expression of boredom BOOMM - Bored Out Of My Mind BTD - Bored To Death DEROB - Very bored IAB - I Am Bored IMB - I'm Bored ISB - I'm So Bored MER - Expression of boredom, nonchalance QWERTYUIOP - Bored ZZZ - Sleepy, bored or tired B.B. - Beyond Bored BB - Beyond Bored BBB - Bored Beyond Belief BOMM - Bored Out of My Mind BOOMM - Bored Out Of My Mind EBS - Excessive Boredom Syndrome IAB - I Am Bored IB - I'm Bored IBD - I'm Bored, Dummy S.T.B. - Stop The Boredom SPOYPWWTAOBC - Self Promotion Of Your Personal Website While Taking Advantage Of Bored Colleagues STB - Stop The Boredom ZZZ - Tired or bored AUB - Are You Bored IASB - i am so bored IAVB - i am very bored IMSB - i am so bored NMJB - nothing much just bored SBRD - so bored A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z