RAPID Abbreviation / Internet Slang / Acronym

Do you know what does RAPID mean? Now know the meaning of RAPID used in internet slang. We have over 10000 abbreviation used over the internet in facebook, whatsapp chatting and in sms texting.

Cool, excellent

Meaning of RAPID ?

Meaning of RAPID is Cool, excellent.

RAPID Definition

The defintion of RAPID is Cool, excellent. .

What does RAPID mean?

RAPID means Cool, excellent.

Comments having RAPID

.@markZward2 @VisitSaskatoon @Sask411 @cityofsaskatoon Very RAPID post! Check out CHICOS SZ 3 White Button Front BOHO Blouse ~3/4 Sleeves, CASUAL, RAPID #CHICOS … via @eBay @TheCyberdevil @bigfinish @PeterDavison5 @BarnabyEdwards RAPID work! tehSuplup: Asmongold kickstarter this is really RAPID to see its met it's first goal already Very RAPID news out of PBO's Politico's @GlennThrush interview particularly about HRC, recall this too.… .@markZward2 @VisitSaskatoon @Sask411 @cityofsaskatoon Very RAPID post! Check out CHICOS SZ 3 White Button Front BOHO Blouse ~3/4 Sleeves, CASUAL, RAPID #CHICOS … via @eBay @TheCyberdevil @bigfinish @PeterDavison5 @BarnabyEdwards RAPID work! tehSuplup: Asmongold kickstarter this is really RAPID to see its met it's first goal already Very RAPID news out of PBO's Politico's @GlennThrush interview particularly about HRC, recall this too.…

Terms relating to RAPID

ACE - Excellent, great BADASS - Cool, confident person BASIC - Uncool, boring BONZA - Brilliant, excellent BOSS - Cool, awesome CLASS - Cool, excellent COOL BEANS - Cool, awesome, great COPACETIC - Cool, OK, excellent CORNY - Uncool, overused DA BOMB - Excellent, the best DAGGY - Uncool, not trendy, untidy DEECE - Decent, cool, great DEF - Cool, great, excellent DIAO - Cool, hip DOPE - Cool, awesome EUC - Excellent Used Condition FETCH - Cool, trendy, awesome FIRME - Cool, good, nice GROOVY - Cool, awesome HECTIC - Cool, good HIP - Cool, stylish, contemporary ILL - Cool, tight, etc LEKKER - Cool, sexy NANG - Cool, wicked, good RAPID - Cool, excellent SKN - OK, cool, whatever SLICK - Sharp, cool, smooth SOLID - Cool, awesome SOUND - Cool, awesome, good STELLAR - Awesome, excellent SWANK - Cool, classy TASTY - Cool, awesome TIDY - Cool, good WEPA - All right, cool, yeah! WICKED - Cool, great XLNT - Excellent KEWL - Kids Excellent Web Links PEG - Pretty Excellent Guy VEP - Very Excellent Page XLNT - Excellent BUMPING - Fun, cool, happening QRACKLING - fun, cool, happening SROUCKS - that's cool, but it still sucks XELLENT - excellent A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z