RBF Abbreviation / Internet Slang / Acronym

Do you know what does RBF mean? Now know the meaning of RBF used in internet slang. We have over 10000 abbreviation used over the internet in facebook, whatsapp chatting and in sms texting.

Really Big Fight

Meaning of RBF ?

Meaning of RBF is Really Big Fight.

RBF Definition

The defintion of RBF is Really Big Fight. .

What does RBF mean?

RBF means Really Big Fight.

Comments having RBF

Ah had a RBF with daddy last night. Khan been sitting around almost 3 years waiting on a RBF.. He finally got it. @paraparadiso but that led to a RBF and miscommunication and i wish they just talked about it. especially guts, i can't imagine Daniel n I got in a RBF but even tho we're mad at each other he still sent me blank snapchats just to keep our streak going :,) Im so glad I don't live with my mom anymore because we would have a RBF today and it's just better if I stay in bama @gymleaderwhit THIS COULD HONESTLY BE A RBF FOR THEM?? Which sounds awful but it would have a nice resolution of course~ "remember ages ago we had a RBF, I said it was like coming up for fresh air, I was drowning and you saved me" Maybe sometimes you just have to have a RBF, in order to really know what's up. When you wake up from hearing a RBF outside my friend and some girl got into a RBF four years ago and they're finally talking again a miracle actually

Terms relating to RBF

BEEF - Problem, fight, argument BIG - Great, really good BNR - But Not Really BOMB - Something really bad BOMB - Something really good BUCK - Fight CRAY CRAY - Really crazy FEENING - Craving, wanting really badly FFWF - Fight Fire With Fire FITE - Fight H9 - Really hate (H8+1) HELLA - Really, very IDRC - I Don't Really Care IDRK - I Don't Really Know IMR - I Mean, Really IRDC - I Really Don't Care IRDK - I Really Don't Know IRLY - I Really Like You JONESING - Craving, wanting really badly LORL - Laugh Out Really Loud LRL - Laughing Really Loud LYR - Love You Really MAD - Really, extremely NORLY - No, Really? O RLY - Oh, Really? ORLY - Oh Really ORN - Oh Really Now PENG A LENG - Really sexy, very fit POTS - Parents Over The Shoulder (parents watching, I can't really talk) PSR - Pretty Standard, Really RDC - Really Don't Care RLY - Really ROG - Really Old Git RSS - Really Simple Syndication RUMBLE - Brawl, fight SCRAP - Fight SPAT - Fight, argument, tiff SUPER - Very, really TARFU - Things Are Really Fouled Up THE BOMB - Really cool TIRF - That/This Is Really Funny UFC - Ultimate Fighting Championship YARLY - Yeah Really ADR - Any Day Really AQQ - It really is Qute, Qute es Quter! DRM - Doesn't Really Matter FBNRL - Funny But Not Really Laughing FFF - The Fightin Fundamentalist Forum FFF - Fightin Fundamentalist Forum GGRR - Good Grief Really Retarded A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z