SAT Abbreviation / Internet Slang / Acronym

Do you know what does SAT mean? Now know the meaning of SAT used in internet slang. We have over 10000 abbreviation used over the internet in facebook, whatsapp chatting and in sms texting.

Scholastic Assessment Test Sorry About That Sick And Twisted Spare A Thought Sending A Thought Sad And Tedious Stunned Abnoxious Twit

Meaning of SAT ?

Meaning of SAT is Scholastic Assessment Test , Sorry About That , Sick And Twisted , Spare A Thought , Sending A Thought , Sad And Tedious , Stunned Abnoxious Twit .

SAT Definition

The defintion of SAT is Scholastic Assessment Test , Sorry About That , Sick And Twisted , Spare A Thought , Sending A Thought , Sad And Tedious , Stunned Abnoxious Twit . .

What does SAT mean?

SAT means Scholastic Assessment Test , Sorry About That , Sick And Twisted , Spare A Thought , Sending A Thought , Sad And Tedious , Stunned Abnoxious Twit .

Terms relating to SAT

# - Twitter hashtag FMOT - Follow Me On Twitter HASHTAG - Label on Twitter to aid searching NIT - Idiot, nitwit NONG - Idiot, twit TWEET - A post on Twitter TWEETER - Person who posts on Twitter TWITCON - Profile picture on Twitter SAT - Stunned Abnoxious Twit TIT - Truly Insulted Twit YDN - You Dumb Nitwit! A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z