TWEETER Abbreviation / Internet Slang / Acronym

Do you know what does TWEETER mean? Now know the meaning of TWEETER used in internet slang. We have over 10000 abbreviation used over the internet in facebook, whatsapp chatting and in sms texting.

Person who posts on Twitter

Meaning of TWEETER ?

Meaning of TWEETER is Person who posts on Twitter .

TWEETER Definition

The defintion of TWEETER is Person who posts on Twitter . .

What does TWEETER mean?

TWEETER means Person who posts on Twitter .

Terms relating to TWEETER

# - Twitter hashtag 250 - Stupid person (Chinese) 420 FRIENDLY - Person who likes smoking pot 5150 - Police code for crazy person on the loose AARP - American Association of Retired Persons AIRHEAD - Stupid person ALPHA - Head person of a group ANON - Unknown person APC - Armoured Personnel Carrier APO - Authorized Personnel Only AUSSIE - A Person From Australia BADASS - Cool, confident person BAMA - Person lacking style BARN - Barnacle, person who latches on BEAST - Person/thing that is good, awesome BISCUIT - Attractive person BLICK - A very black person BOD - Person, DUDE BOGAN - Poorly educated, vulgar person (Australian) BOOT - Inexperienced person BOZO - Incompetent person, idiot BTT - Bump To Top (forum posts) CARD - Amusing, eccentric person CAT - Cool person CHADROOL - Stupid person CHEAP SKATE - Mean/stingy person CHINK - Offensive term for an Asian or Chinese person CLUBHEAD - Person who goes to clubs a lot CLUT - Clumsy person COUCH POTATO - Lazy person who sits all day watching TV COYOTE - Person who smuggles immigrants CRACKA - Offensive term for a white person CREEP - Weird, undesirable person CRUSTY - Dirty, unwashed person CUPCAKE - Soft, loving person CUTIE - Cute, attractive person DAG - Unfashionable person DIME - Very attractive person DINGBAT - Stupid person, idiot DINLO - Stupid person DIV - Stupid person DOG - Ugly person DOOFUS - Stupid person DORK - Silly, socially inept person DOSSER - Lazy person DOXING - Collect Personal Information FLAKE - Unreliable person FMOT - Follow Me On Twitter FPS - First-Person Shooter (video game term) FROG - Offensive word for a French person A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z