Take Out Abbreviation / Internet Slang / Acronym

Do you know what does Take Out mean? Now know the meaning of Take Out used in internet slang. We have over 10000 abbreviation used over the internet in facebook, whatsapp chatting and in sms texting.

Annihilate Accompany Assassinate

Meaning of Take Out ?

Meaning of Take Out is Annihilate, Accompany, Assassinate.

Take Out Definition

The defintion of Take Out is Annihilate, Accompany, Assassinate. .

What does Take Out mean?

Take Out means Annihilate, Accompany, Assassinate.

Comments having Take Out

It's a quick 3-0 for @OpTicGaming as they Take Out @TheRiseNation in tonight's @CODWorldLeague Match!#CWLMLG MUST WATCH: Father Jumps Over Courtroom Table In Attempt To Take Out His Daughter’s Killer [VIDEO] #tcot “(For) school, my mom didn’t have to come out of pocket to do anything or I didn’t have to Take Out any loans." … Q: What are fans to you? Leo: They're like a familyRavi: Those who feel the same like i doKen: %2ATake Out ♡%2A SOMEONE SAVE MY POOR HEART To me, he got caught up in the moment when he said "My African-American." I didn't Take Out a WANTED sign like these liberals are doing

Na`Vi Take Out Team Secret 2-0 to advance in Group B. #ManilaMajor Kerr calls time to Take Out starters, Dubs will win game one handily! #LetsGoWarriorsLive Take Out the Iran deal stuff and it's a Rubio speech. A win for the ages!ETHEREAL comes from nowhere to Take Out the 2001 G1 Queensland Oaks! @BrisRacingClub #TBT… You can count on the Turtles to Take Out the trash. Join Leo, Mikey, Raph & Donnie in this brand new #TMNT2 clip!… It's a quick 3-0 for @OpTicGaming as they Take Out @TheRiseNation in tonight's @CODWorldLeague Match!#CWLMLG MUST WATCH: Father Jumps Over Courtroom Table In Attempt To Take Out His Daughter’s Killer [VIDEO] #tcot “(For) school, my mom didn’t have to come out of pocket to do anything or I didn’t have to Take Out any loans." … Q: What are fans to you? Leo: They're like a familyRavi: Those who feel the same like i doKen: %2ATake Out ♡%2A SOMEONE SAVE MY POOR HEART To me, he got caught up in the moment when he said "My African-American." I didn't Take Out a WANTED sign like these liberals are doing Na`Vi Take Out Team Secret 2-0 to advance in Group B. #ManilaMajor Kerr calls time to Take Out starters, Dubs will win game one handily! #LetsGoWarriorsLive Take Out the Iran deal stuff and it's a Rubio speech. A win for the ages!ETHEREAL comes from nowhere to Take Out the 2001 G1 Queensland Oaks! @BrisRacingClub #TBT… You can count on the Turtles to Take Out the trash. Join Leo, Mikey, Raph & Donnie in this brand new #TMNT2 clip!… It's a quick 3-0 for @OpTicGaming as they Take Out @TheRiseNation in tonight's @CODWorldLeague Match!#CWLMLG MUST WATCH: Father Jumps Over Courtroom Table In Attempt To Take Out His Daughter’s Killer [VIDEO] #tcot “(For) school, my mom didn’t have to come out of pocket to do anything or I didn’t have to Take Out any loans." … Q: What are fans to you? Leo: They're like a familyRavi: Those who feel the same like i doKen: %2ATake Out ♡%2A SOMEONE SAVE MY POOR HEART To me, he got caught up in the moment when he said "My African-American." I didn't Take Out a WANTED sign like these liberals are doing Na`Vi Take Out Team Secret 2-0 to advance in Group B. #ManilaMajor Kerr calls time to Take Out starters, Dubs will win game one handily! #LetsGoWarriorsLive Take Out the Iran deal stuff and it's a Rubio speech. A win for the ages!ETHEREAL comes from nowhere to Take Out the 2001 G1 Queensland Oaks! @BrisRacingClub #TBT… You can count on the Turtles to Take Out the trash. Join Leo, Mikey, Raph & Donnie in this brand new #TMNT2 clip!…

What does Take Out stand for?

Terms relating to Take Out

Liquidate - Assassinate Neutralize - Assassinate Waste - Assassinate Do In - Assassinate Burn - Assassinate Off - Assassinate Take Out - Assassinate Erase - Assassinate Kiss Off Top - Assassinate Top Off - Assassinate Compromise - Assassinate Take Care Of - Assassinate