UBI Abbreviation / Internet Slang / Acronym

Do you know what does UBI mean? Now know the meaning of UBI used in internet slang. We have over 10000 abbreviation used over the internet in facebook, whatsapp chatting and in sms texting.

Unexplained Beer Injury

Meaning of UBI ?

Meaning of UBI is Unexplained Beer Injury.

UBI Definition

The defintion of UBI is Unexplained Beer Injury. .

What does UBI mean?

UBI means Unexplained Beer Injury.

Comments having UBI

@amonck @2noame @wef "UBI" just what can you be suggesting about manual labourers? :-) Explaining to the vet that the deep scratches on my arm are a result of an UBI & nothing to do with the cat. #Awkward @TheDebSpencer UBI. Also known as a UDI or Unexplained Drinking Injury. I once got one from a limbo competition I forgot @ItsTheWooo @MonsieurSansFoy Like the UBI: UBI. Medical Slang in British Hospitals eg. UBI – UBI. … via @improbresearch @CarlosEstebanRD Origin of the "UBI", UBI. Gotta love waking up with a UBI: UBI LOL, listening to @nightshiftmd explain medical slang on Q -- FLK = funny looking kid, UBI = UBI @jianghomeshi Doctor's slang in notes - some of the best. UBI = UBI, TTFO = Told to go away ... … new to me slangTEETH - Tried Everything Else, Try HomeopathyUBI - UBIJP FROG - Just Plain F%2A@cking Ran Out of Gas

Terms relating to UBI

BREW - Beer BYOB - BYO Beer CHELA - Beer FNB - Football And Beer NATTY - Natural Light beer NATTY LIGHT - Natural Light beer PBR - Pabst Blue Ribbon (beer) RSI - Repetitive Strain Injury UDI - Unidentified Drinking Injury BIBO - Beer In Beer Out CIMB - Crying in my beer RSI - Really Sore Injury TABA - Throws A Beer At BFRABPBYR - Belousov Family Reunion Annual Beer Pong & BBQ Yearly Round-up GAB - Getting A Beer GANB - Getting Another Beer UBI - Unexplained Beer Injury A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z