UC&P Abbreviation / Internet Slang / Acronym

Do you know what does UC&P mean? Now know the meaning of UC&P used in internet slang. We have over 10000 abbreviation used over the internet in facebook, whatsapp chatting and in sms texting.

Up Close and Personal

Meaning of UC&P ?

Meaning of UC&P is Up Close and Personal.

UC&P Definition

The defintion of UC&P is Up Close and Personal. .

What does UC&P mean?

UC&P means Up Close and Personal.

Comments having UC&P

UC&P with @MmmGorgeous in #WWETupelo! #PrincePretty "Fans can get UC&P with hundreds of props" - Eddie Newquist #HarryPotterTheExhibition #HPCelebration Getting UC&P with @Hozier. Not. He was ready for his closeup, I wasn't :) It's #BellLetsTalk Day! Get UC&P with @serenaryder to find out why she advocates for #mentalhealth.… UC&P with @MmmGorgeous in #WWETupelo! #PrincePretty "Fans can get UC&P with hundreds of props" - Eddie Newquist #HarryPotterTheExhibition #HPCelebration Getting UC&P with @Hozier. Not. He was ready for his closeup, I wasn't :) It's #BellLetsTalk Day! Get UC&P with @serenaryder to find out why she advocates for #mentalhealth.…

Terms relating to UC&P

AINEC - And It's Not Even Close BCD - Behind Closed Doors BLOOD - Close friend BREDRINS - Close friends, brothers CAS - Close Air Support CCTV - Closed-Circuit Television CME - Close My Eyes COP - Close of Play CQB - Close Quarters Battle CQC - Close Quarters Combat CUG - Closed User Group DAWG - Close Friend DOXING - Collect Personal Information FAMALAM - Family, close friend FAMBO - Family, close friend FELLAS - Close friends HOMEBOY - Closest friend HOMEGIRL - Closest female friend HOMIES - Group Of Close Friends IMPO - In My Personal Opinion INTP - Introverted iNtuitive Thinking Perceiving (personality type indicator) MPO - My Personal Opinion PA - Personal Assistant PAN - Personal Area Network PB - Personal Best PC - Personal Computer PCMCIA - Personal Computer Memory Card International Association PCMIA - Personal Computer Manufacturer Interface Adaptor PDA - Personal Digital Assistant PHISHING - Scamming method used to get personal information PHP - Personal Home Page PIGEON - Woman using a man for personal gain PIN - Personal Identification Number PJ - Poor/Personal Joke PSM - Personal Short Message PVR - Personal Video Recorder SON - Close Friend SWAGGA - Style or personality TAG - Personal signature TCFC - Too Close For Comfort TCTC - To Close To Call TIGHT - Close UC&P - Up Close and Personal UCAP - Up Close and Personal WC - Water Closet, toilet CC. - Come Closer CC - Come Closer CTR - Close The Rectum DTIP - Don't Take It Personally ESP. - Extra Sensitive Personality A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z