WALOB Abbreviation / Internet Slang / Acronym

Do you know what does WALOB mean? Now know the meaning of WALOB used in internet slang. We have over 10000 abbreviation used over the internet in facebook, whatsapp chatting and in sms texting.

What A Load Of Bull

Meaning of WALOB ?

Meaning of WALOB is What A Load Of Bull.

WALOB Definition

The defintion of WALOB is What A Load Of Bull. .

What does WALOB mean?

WALOB means What A Load Of Bull.

Comments having WALOB

.@TheBernReport WALOB crap. WALOB @evcricket @chriskkenny WALOB Evan, where was your outrage when Rudd/Gillard /Rudd had thousands of kids in detention? WALOB. Who did they ask, political appointments in the PMO office? Certainly not Albertans. … Can u see the #fiscalspace with the naked eye or do you need a telescope #FG #Lab #Fantasyeconomics #DeptofFinance WALOB " We need a style of leadership that explains the situation. " WALOB SH#T from @turnbullMalcolm #Pmlive #SpeersTonight I didn't expect that from #Cruz, the ever so righteous conservative. WALOB. … Watered down EU deal .WALOB @David_Cameron .you couldn't fight your way out of a paper bag . We the people want OUT .the EU No power for 16 hours now. On their website BPC claims to restore supply within 180min at most for high voltage faults. WALOB! @SkyNews WALOB hand break by EU ,they can't stop immigrants flooding EU

Terms relating to WALOB

? - What? ?? - What? APB - All Points Bulletin B4MV - Bullet For My Valentine (Band) BBS - Bulletin Board System BFMV - Bullet For My Valentine (band) BOF - Whatever BOUL - Bull BWDIK - But What Do I Know? BWTH - But What The Hell CAPS - Bullets DFW - Down For Whatever DL - Download DLC - Downloadable Content DTMWTD - Don't Tell Me What To Do DUCWIC - Do You See What I See? DWISNWID - Do What I Say Not What I Do. DYHWIH - Do You Hear What I Hear? DYKWIM - Do You Know What I Mean? EH - What? Huh? EVS - Whatever EWE - Epilogue, What Epilogue? (Harry Potter) FTASB - Faster Than A Speeding Bullet FWIW - For What It's Worth HWU - Hey, What's Up? ICWUDT - I See What You Did There IDKWTD - I Don't Know What To Do IDKWYM - I Don't Know What You Mean IITYWIMIWHTKY - If I Tell You What It Means I Will Have to Kill You ·IITYWTMWYBMAD - If I Tell You What This Means Will You Buy Me a Drink? IITYWTMWYKM - If I Tell You What This Means Will You Kiss Me? IIWII - It Is What It Is IKWUM - I Know What You Mean IKWYDLS - I Know What You Did Last Summer IKWYM - I Know What You Mean ISWYDT - I See What You Did There ISWYM - I See What You Mean ITWYM - Is That What You Mean? IWID - It's What I Do IYKWIM - If You Know What I Mean IYSWIM - If You See What I Mean JHP - Jacketed Hollow Point (bullet) KLK - Que lo que? (Spanish for What's Up?) KWIM - Know What I Mean? KWIS - Know What I'm Saying? LOLWUT - What? LWICD - Look What I Can Do MERP - Meaningless word for when you don't know what else to say MOBBING - Bullying MOTWYW - Make Of That What You Will A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z