Do you know what does WNDITWB mean? Now know the meaning of WNDITWB used in internet slang. We have over 10000 abbreviation used over the internet in facebook, whatsapp chatting and in sms texting.
We Never Did It This Way Before
Meaning of WNDITWB ?
Meaning of WNDITWB is We Never Did It This Way Before.
WNDITWB Definition
The defintion of WNDITWB is We Never Did It This Way Before. .
What does WNDITWB mean?
WNDITWB means We Never Did It This Way Before.
Comments having WNDITWB
"WNDITWB" are seven words that are often used by those opposed to progress. #leadership #ChangeTheNarrative @james_j_gordon it's not just superstition tho. It's also tradition. WNDITWB. Some years ago there was a popular religious book w/ the catchy title, "The 7 Last Words Of The Church: 'WNDITWB.'" wnditwb - WNDITW

What does WNDITWB stand for?
Terms relating to WNDITWB
AISB - As I Said Before AM - Ante Meridiem (before midday) ATT - At This Time B4 - Before B4U - Before you B4YKI - Before You Know It BBN - Be Back Never BC - Before Christ BCE - Before Common Era (like BC) BLTN - Better Late Than Never BMT - Before My Time BYKI - Before You Know It