WWW Abbreviation / Internet Slang / Acronym
Do you know what does WWW mean? Now know the meaning of WWW used in internet slang. We have over 10000 abbreviation used over the internet in facebook, whatsapp chatting and in sms texting.
World Wide Web While We Wait When, Where, Why Where Were We? Would We Worry? Wherever, Whenever, Whatever Working Westside Widow When Will We ....? Wine, Women, and Wealth Why Would We?Meaning of WWW ?
Meaning of WWW is World Wide Web , While We Wait , When, Where, Why , Where Were We? , Would We Worry? , Wherever, Whenever, Whatever , Working Westside Widow , When Will We ....? , Wine, Women, and Wealth , Why Would We? .
WWW Definition
The defintion of WWW is World Wide Web , While We Wait , When, Where, Why , Where Were We? , Would We Worry? , Wherever, Whenever, Whatever , Working Westside Widow , When Will We ....? , Wine, Women, and Wealth , Why Would We? . .
What does WWW mean?
WWW means World Wide Web , While We Wait , When, Where, Why , Where Were We? , Would We Worry? , Wherever, Whenever, Whatever , Working Westside Widow , When Will We ....? , Wine, Women, and Wealth , Why Would We? .
Terms relating to WWW
IWHI - I Would Hit It SPOILER - Something you would've prefered to find out yourself WBN - Would Be Nice WIBNI - Wouldn't It Be Nice If WLD - Would WLTM - Would Like To Meet WWBD - What Would Batman Do? WWCND - What Would Chuck Norris Do? WWIC - Why Would I Care? WWJBD - What Would Jason Bourne Do? WWJD - What Would Jesus Do? WWJP - What Would Jesus Post? WWYD - What Would You Do? WWYDT - Why Would You Do That? WY - Would You WYK - Would You Kindly WYLABOCTGWTR - Would You Like A Bowl Of Cream To Go With That Remark? WYLASOMWTC - Would You Like A Saucer Of Milk With That Comment? WYLSCWTW - Would You Like Some Cheese With That Whine? WYR - Would You Rather IDKWIWDWU - I Don't Know What I Would Do Without You IIKTYWMIWHWT - If I Knew That You Were Mine, I Wouldn't Have Wasted Time IWBNI - It Would Be Nice If S.W. - Some Wouldn't SW - Some Wouldn't WCS - Woulda Coulda Shoulda WDOI - Wouldn't Dream Of It WIBN - Wouldn't It Be Nice WIBNI - Wouldn't It Be Nice If .... WLTD - Would Like To Discuss WLTM - Would Like to Meet WOULDA - Would Have WRBH - Would Rather Be Hunting WS - Would Smash WWAT - What Would Aristotle Think? WWGWBD - What Would George Walker Bush Do? WWJD - What Would Jesus Do? WWJD - What Would Junior Do? WWMD - What Would a Mentsch Do? WWTT - What Would They Think? WWW - Would We Worry? WWW - Why Would We? WWYR - Which Would You Rather .... WWYRD - Which Would You Rather Do? WYBH - Would You Be Happier WYB%3F - Would You Believe .... ? WYHI - Would You Hit It? WYLK - Wouldn't You Like to Know WYRH - Would You Rather Have .... ? YWK - You Would Know A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z