Wipe It Off Abbreviation / Internet Slang / Acronym

Do you know what does Wipe It Off mean? Now know the meaning of Wipe It Off used in internet slang. We have over 10000 abbreviation used over the internet in facebook, whatsapp chatting and in sms texting.

Acquit Absolve

Meaning of Wipe It Off ?

Meaning of Wipe It Off is Acquit, Absolve.

Wipe It Off Definition

The defintion of Wipe It Off is Acquit, Absolve. .

What does Wipe It Off mean?

Wipe It Off means Acquit, Absolve.

Comments having Wipe It Off

When girls have foundation all over there lipslike please just get a wet wipe and Wipe It Off !! Looks redic my makeup looks so freakin good I don't want to Wipe It Off :((( Walked into the men's room at study and some girl has puke all over her face, old her she should Wipe It Off and she said she's fine @Starry8097V do you realize that FJY intentionally spilled that liquid on Baba's chest just to see him Wipe It Off. lol when you do ur moms makeup A1 looking and she has the audacity to Wipe It Off

If a CD or DVD is skipping, rub a banana on it to seal the scratches. Then Wipe It Off. A TINY FROG JUST JUMPED ON THE HOOD OF MY CAR WHILE I WAS DRIVING AND JOEL USED MY WINDSHIELD WIPERS TO Wipe It Off I'M PQSOXMSLSHS I also can't believe how in my joy I misspelled wipe...but it's okay...CUZ I CAN Wipe It Off!!!!! Laura just winched a boy and her eyebrows came off on his forehead and she had to actual stop him and Wipe It Off Some days I really love wearing makeup but when I do all my husband does it try to Wipe It Off When girls have foundation all over there lipslike please just get a wet wipe and Wipe It Off !! Looks redic my makeup looks so freakin good I don't want to Wipe It Off :((( Walked into the men's room at study and some girl has puke all over her face, old her she should Wipe It Off and she said she's fine @Starry8097V do you realize that FJY intentionally spilled that liquid on Baba's chest just to see him Wipe It Off. lol when you do ur moms makeup A1 looking and she has the audacity to Wipe It Off If a CD or DVD is skipping, rub a banana on it to seal the scratches. Then Wipe It Off. A TINY FROG JUST JUMPED ON THE HOOD OF MY CAR WHILE I WAS DRIVING AND JOEL USED MY WINDSHIELD WIPERS TO Wipe It Off I'M PQSOXMSLSHS I also can't believe how in my joy I misspelled wipe...but it's okay...CUZ I CAN Wipe It Off!!!!! Laura just winched a boy and her eyebrows came off on his forehead and she had to actual stop him and Wipe It Off Some days I really love wearing makeup but when I do all my husband does it try to Wipe It Off

What does Wipe It Off stand for?

Terms relating to Wipe It Off

Clemo - Absolved Let Off - Absolved Off-The-Hook - Absolved Let Go - Absolved Walked - Absolved Beat The Rap - Absolved Hand Out Clemo - Absolve Spring - Absolve Lifeboat - Absolve Wink At - Absolve Blink At - Absolve Go Easy On - Absolve