XOX Abbreviation / Internet Slang / Acronym

Do you know what does XOX mean? Now know the meaning of XOX used in internet slang. We have over 10000 abbreviation used over the internet in facebook, whatsapp chatting and in sms texting.

Hugs & Kisses Straightedge Vegetarian Straightedge Vegan Kisses Dead Xmas Ornament Xchange kisses and hugs ( x - kisses o - hugs )

Meaning of XOX ?

Meaning of XOX is Hugs & Kisses, Straightedge Vegetarian, Straightedge Vegan, Kisses, Dead, Xmas Ornament Xchange, kisses and hugs ( x - kisses o - hugs ).

XOX Definition

The defintion of XOX is Hugs & Kisses, Straightedge Vegetarian, Straightedge Vegan, Kisses, Dead, Xmas Ornament Xchange, kisses and hugs ( x - kisses o - hugs ). .

What does XOX mean?

XOX means Hugs & Kisses, Straightedge Vegetarian, Straightedge Vegan, Kisses, Dead, Xmas Ornament Xchange, kisses and hugs ( x - kisses o - hugs ).

Comments having XOX

Back to back delicious SkyPrivate sessions! Thank you Michael & Justin! %2AXOX%2A i enjoy giving my mom random XOX on the cheek because i feel like i dont show her that i love her enough too often & i feel guilty One way to break a #Virgo down is physical affection. They respond very well to XOX. Back to back delicious SkyPrivate sessions! Thank you Michael & Justin! %2AXOX%2A i enjoy giving my mom random XOX on the cheek because i feel like i dont show her that i love her enough too often & i feel guilty

One way to break a #Virgo down is physical affection. They respond very well to XOX. Back to back delicious SkyPrivate sessions! Thank you Michael & Justin! %2AXOX%2A i enjoy giving my mom random XOX on the cheek because i feel like i dont show her that i love her enough too often & i feel guilty One way to break a #Virgo down is physical affection. They respond very well to XOX. Que significa el XVX que siempre tiene Hurley? — XVX. … my sister put on my counterparts crewneck and said "im now a XVX and i need to tell everyone. i pit" Jono vs. The World part 3: Touring as a XVX "XVX" wow. You are a XVX #YouMightBeSingleIn5Words there's chicken and wine in the fridge as a XVX i am feeling harassed and oppressed by my family @danielraybon I live with a XVX gymrat. It’s not as bad as it sounds. @catchinghexes plot twist; the pop punk XVX is white @jtriest @blakeir @LudlowVentures wait ... what! XVX punk VC ...... Probably the only person who has ever truly loved me is now like a pro trail hiking XVX blogger and I'm now still a bitch I can teach you XVX but then the beatings Public school XXX Valentine's Day goodbye | Fox News … Your XXX still take my breath.” When Shin finally XXX Takuya %2ACELEBRATION%2A #TakuShin #ShinTaku #160202 If he XXX you after he done came in your mouth. He's yours forever Missed those split screen XXX of Aldub but i miss the intense yakapan of Ansera more! WAGAS eh! #ALDUBPanibagongLihim #Pisces love passionate XXX and a loving embrace. Forehead XXX are cute af Awww! Tis feels like the first time. I missed their splitscreen XXX & kulitan. #ALDUBPanibagongLihim collarbone XXX on cold nights i crave the most innocent parts of a relationship. like holding hands, forehead XXX and being able to tell someone how much i adore them. So.... Cut back on X_X legs in ProBowl.... Not a good idea! Got it. #ProBowl2016 At least 9 X_X after suicide bomber attacks police base in Afghan capital I see X_X people Can't believe I got a BBC News notification on my phone about Guardiola and he's neither X_X nor a paedophile. ‘James Brown vs X_X Prez - I Feel Good With This Hip Hop’ on #SoundCloud #np … Obi-wan: Your dad is X_X.Luke: I know.Obi: And you don't have a sister.Luke: OK...Obi: Or a twin.Luke:Obi: Trust me. I'm a Jedi All the overrated girls from primary/secondary school have turned into X_X tings looool karma for breaking young hearts hahahah. Missouri college football player found X_X in home - … bloco do X_X inside but still horny Second student arrested, charged with helping Virginia Tech athlete dispose of X_X middle-schooler's body XOX: she wants Norman Rockwell. I say "ok" and look online. Freakin $100 ornaments. Hell no. Dollar Store it is! #frugal XOX Over at RunDMT - Sign up Until 12/11/2011: XOX via @wordpressdotcom stumbled on this idea in a WW post, LOVE IT! #NaBloCoMo Time to share some holiday sparkle!!! RT @denisermt: Come join the fun! XOX @PaulTTran every holiday- BBQs, XOX, etc..most of street's kids r into college now. If u find a good street- stay put :-> XOX today I'm only going for the food.

What does XOX stand for?

Terms relating to XOX

BESITOS - Little kisses (Spanish) BESOS - Kisses (Spanish) H&K - Hugs and Kisses HAK - Hugs And Kisses HNK - Hugs and Kisses LAK - Love And Kisses LHK - Love, Hugs and Kisses LNK - Love And Kisses LOLAK - Lots Of Love And Kisses MUAHZ - Kisses XO - Hugs & Kisses XOX - Hugs & Kisses