Burn Abbreviation / Internet Slang / Acronym

Do you know what does Burn mean? Now know the meaning of Burn used in internet slang. We have over 10000 abbreviation used over the internet in facebook, whatsapp chatting and in sms texting.

Active Asperse Assassinate

Meaning of Burn ?

Meaning of Burn is Active, Asperse, Assassinate.

Burn Definition

The defintion of Burn is Active, Asperse, Assassinate. .

What does Burn mean?

Burn means Active, Asperse, Assassinate.

Comments having Burn

See how many minutes it takes to Burn 300 calories doing %2Athese%2A different types of workouts. via @POPSUGARFitness Hey, I just Downloaded the Quran. Would You Like Me to Burn You a Copy? ⇒ … I’m not down to Burn the Mexican flag because I respect Mexcian-Americans who love this country & respect our border … If you want to Burn fat faster, a cup of coffee (with no milk or sugar) before a workout will speed up the process. It's not even Trump vs Hillary anymore.It's all these punks & babies who Burn our flag & try to shut down Democracy vs all the rest of us.

I gotta Burn one with DMX. Gotta see him roll it tho Tear up or Burn the release list. Keep the list of what you want close by. Meditate on it. Visualize everything you want. Believe. "No, I am not going ten thousand miles from home to help murder and Burn another poor nation..."#MuhammadAli See how many minutes it takes to Burn 300 calories doing %2Athese%2A different types of workouts. via @POPSUGARFitness Hey, I just Downloaded the Quran. Would You Like Me to Burn You a Copy? ⇒ … See how many minutes it takes to Burn 300 calories doing %2Athese%2A different types of workouts. via @POPSUGARFitness Hey, I just Downloaded the Quran. Would You Like Me to Burn You a Copy? ⇒ … I’m not down to Burn the Mexican flag because I respect Mexcian-Americans who love this country & respect our border … If you want to Burn fat faster, a cup of coffee (with no milk or sugar) before a workout will speed up the process. It's not even Trump vs Hillary anymore.It's all these punks & babies who Burn our flag & try to shut down Democracy vs all the rest of us. I gotta Burn one with DMX. Gotta see him roll it tho Tear up or Burn the release list. Keep the list of what you want close by. Meditate on it. Visualize everything you want. Believe. "No, I am not going ten thousand miles from home to help murder and Burn another poor nation..."#MuhammadAli See how many minutes it takes to Burn 300 calories doing %2Athese%2A different types of workouts. via @POPSUGARFitness Hey, I just Downloaded the Quran. Would You Like Me to Burn You a Copy? ⇒ … See how many minutes it takes to Burn 300 calories doing %2Athese%2A different types of workouts. via @POPSUGARFitness Hey, I just Downloaded the Quran. Would You Like Me to Burn You a Copy? ⇒ … I’m not down to Burn the Mexican flag because I respect Mexcian-Americans who love this country & respect our border … If you want to Burn fat faster, a cup of coffee (with no milk or sugar) before a workout will speed up the process. It's not even Trump vs Hillary anymore.It's all these punks & babies who Burn our flag & try to shut down Democracy vs all the rest of us. I gotta Burn one with DMX. Gotta see him roll it tho Tear up or Burn the release list. Keep the list of what you want close by. Meditate on it. Visualize everything you want. Believe. "No, I am not going ten thousand miles from home to help murder and Burn another poor nation..."#MuhammadAli See how many minutes it takes to Burn 300 calories doing %2Athese%2A different types of workouts. via @POPSUGARFitness Hey, I just Downloaded the Quran. Would You Like Me to Burn You a Copy? ⇒ …

What does Burn stand for?

Terms relating to Burn

Liquidate - Assassinate Neutralize - Assassinate Waste - Assassinate Do In - Assassinate Burn - Assassinate Off - Assassinate Take Out - Assassinate Erase - Assassinate Kiss Off Top - Assassinate Top Off - Assassinate Compromise - Assassinate Take Care Of - Assassinate